Valley of the Shrooms

From Dogcraft Wiki

Valley of the Shrooms
Survival 5 Corgi
2022-07-29 12.59.06.png
WorldSurvival 5 (Corgi)
FoundedJune 2022
LocationX= -360
Z= 4500
Transportconnected to Corgi South tunnel, between banners 4000 and 5000

Valley of the Shrooms is the base of GracessNella on the Survival 5 world of the Dogcraft Server.

The Valley of the Shrooms is a spontaneous and unplanned base drawing on themes from Nausicaa and the Valley of the Wind including but not limited to agricultural setting, windmills and fungi takeover. It was intended as a starter base and industrial district + warehouse.


When GracessNella settled in a little seaside cottage to farm some passive mobs and crops for supplies and materials they also spent some time tending to beloved fungi in the basement. The fungi spores spread, soon sprouting up giant mushrooms all around the cottage, mycelium spread on the well worn paths around the Valley and a magical place was born.

Beneath the cottage the basement expanded. Mushrooms were farmed and all sorts of contraptions built to fuel the mushroom growths, as well as an organized storage warehouse.

All of the builds in the Valley of the Shrooms were built in survival and were experimental. There are some interesting uses of blocks as a result. Some of the large mushrooms have become home to other server residents who have made their own interiors.


The Cottage

Barn and Stables

Rotting Log Station

Princess SummerPeach's Castle


The basement houses storage system and a number of farms connected up via waterpipes. Farms in the basement include cactus farm, moss farms (Etho design), fungus (Xisuma design) and mushroom farms, dripstone, lava, honey (ianxofour design), bamboo, wool, wheat, wood and sapling, amethyst, steak and leather. The basement makes use of ImpulseSV's item sorter in some places. Many of the farms have a manual component, or an off switch to prevent them running continuously. Water streams are used to transport items to provide a live aesthetic and convenient storage. The nether portal opens into the basement with a surface exit stairway.


A small village for professional villagers lies just south of the cottage. The village is home to fletchers, librarians, clerics, masons, farmers and butchers. The villagers are contained for their safety and the prevention of cat hordes of invasion.


Night image of cottage and giant mushrooms.

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