Easter 2024

From Dogcraft Wiki

Revision as of 12:22, 9 February 2025 by TigerNL (talk | contribs) (Wrote some text for the event paragraph)
Easter 2024
Survival 6
'Welcome to Easter 2024!'
TypeSeasonal event
Date31st March, 2024
OrganizersDogcraft Creative Team
WorldSurvival 6
Teleport/warp Easter2024

Easter 2024 was an event on the Dogcraft Server that took place on 31st of March 2024. The event was held on Stream Town and was accessible with /warp Easter2024.

The Event

The Easter event focused more on the aesthetics and decor and was centred around the story of a missing rabbit named Stuart. Players were sent into town to talk with various citizens to collect vital information for locating Stuart.

"Stuart has been missing for a few days now... I really miss him" 20.png TigerNL

During this time, the town, which consisted of a town hall, several village houses and a giant golden egg in the centre, was preparing for something big to come. The golden egg in the centre of town started to crack and the town was full of anticipation, wondering what it could be. While exploring the town, players would come across a rabbit who asked for their help. They were tasked with finding several items hidden around the town that were needed to decorate the town and host a party for when the golden egg would finally open up. Eventually, the missing rabbit was found and the mystery of the golden egg was solved.


  • Unravel the story of the missing bunny
  • Take part in the Festive Scavenger Hunt
  • Take a picture with the bunny statues


  • 20.png TigerNL: Project Lead
  • 20.png Eybwam: Town hall
  • 20.png Taurent: Large scale flowers, terraforming
  • 20.png Galeanami: Decorative wall
  • 20.png lauratje19: Canals


Add some pictures of the event!


This page was last modified on 9 February 2025, at 12:22. (31 days ago)