Food Wars

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Revision as of 22:07, 6 February 2023 by Eybwam (talk | contribs) (added cookies)
Food Wars


Food Wars were a series of protracted skirmishes among established Food factions on the Dogcraft Server. It has involved countless pranks, shenanigans, and propaganda campaigns over which Minecraft food is the best. Its origin cannot be precisely determined. Having been a long-running phenomenon, it has had its fair share of lull moments. It has, however, resurged in Survival 5 due particularly to the formation of new and active food factions.


Golden Carrot

Crunchy high-quality carrots glazed with heat-refined gold. Served in stacks, produced in batches.

The Carrot Mafia is a prominent advocate for Golden Carrots. Its roots can be traced back to Survival 3 whose rich history cannot be fully documented in this article. Organized in a private Discord server, it is headed by the Carrot Bosses, 20.png Bbrain and 20.png Ironboundred. It has accumulated over 70 members, notably including 20.png Princess223 and 20.png zacattack2097. Publicly known for its clear-cut branding, its products are sold in several shops in the malls. In full mafia fashion, it also offers "Protection" to its members' areas and shops.


Sharp and sweet, earthy and dreamy beets. Handpicked by your favourite grandma.

The Beet Society was founded by 20.png strawberrysham and 20.png colliecolie in Survival 5. Its presence is notable in the City of Leon, which the former is a head of.


Collected from free-range, grass-fed, stress-free cows. Served by the bucket.

The Milk Mafia is shrouded in layers of secrecy. The only publicly known information about this group are its founder 20.png M_Sky3, a photograph of its headquarter in the Dogcraft Discord, and the sneaky appearance of milk buckets in peoples' inventories. The latter phenomenon should not be confused with 20.png SummerFlower1234's antics of the same nature. But who knows? Are they conspiring? Time can only tell.

Baked Potato

Baked Scottish potatoes. Snacks that survives famines.

Tom's Tatties is 20.png AwesomeTom21's home-grown baked potato business. With humble beginnings, it has grown from a garden hobby to an incorporated potato empire with 20.png Wanderer_06. It has arguably thrived in Survival 5 due to its quirky and aggressive branding as well as its expansionist agenda with the opening of several regional headquarters, flagship shops and land, airborne vehicles.


Delectable and chewy. Served when least expected. Now comes in rainbow labels.

A staple in server events, 20.png Mika_Panda's signature snack draws notoriety as evidenced by the Cookie Collection Craze.

This page was last modified on 6 February 2023, at 22:07. (24 days ago)
Background Takeshi by Edo