Rules/Mods policy

From Dogcraft Wiki

Revision as of 18:48, 30 October 2022 by Almightyanna (talk | contribs) (removed BetterF3 from mobile list as it should be there by default now)
List of allowed mods
14. Do not use mods or cracked clients.From Rules ↲
  • The only exceptions are the mods listed below.
  • Texturepacks (excluding x-ray) and shaders are allowed.
  • These mods have been selected specifically to allow improved client side experience. Asking “can this mod also be an exception?” will always be answered with “no”. Some of these mods may not be compatible with each other.
  • You can use whatever launcher you would like to start the game, but you must only log into Dogcraft with the allowed mods. PvP clients and launchers that boot the game with different mods are not allowed.
  • X-raying results in a permanent ban, as well as fly mods and similar modifications.
List of allowed mods

Per rule 14, a list of client-side mods is allowed on the Dogcraft Server. These mods all mean to improve the experience of playing on the server. (Previously the only mod allowed was Optifine) The only mods allowed are the ones listed.

Some of these mods require Fabric or Forge.

This page will be updated with information and guides on each of the allowed mods.

This page was last modified on 30 October 2022, at 18:48. (3 months ago)
Background SRN Opening by Montenator