Marble Heights Station

From Dogcraft Wiki

Marble Heights Station
Survival 4
Dogcraft Red Cog Logo.png
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WorldSurvival 4
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Marble Heights Station (also known as East 4)is the 4th station on the East line of Survival 4's Husky world, on the Dogcraft Server. The station was built by Slomo_1994 and features a host of features and access to the stunning natural surroundings.

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Marble Heights is the first staion build by Slomo_1994 after he took over as Line Manager for the East Line. The station is mainly built out of quartz, Warped goods, Glowstone, and Red Sandstone. It is located in a plains biome, with Mountains looming up in the background, hence the name 'Marble Heights'.

Other important features include 2 branchline connections, an ender chest, map, bed, and NTN connection. The tunnel for this represents the station, and features the same colour pallete.


The station was concieved during a break at school, and was quickly sketched in the back of a planner. The resulting station was mostly what players see today, but was improved by Darparniox.


This page was last modified on 11 July 2021, at 10:30. (7 months ago)