

From Dogcraft Wiki


JoinedAround September 2019
Server Rank[ChatMod]
Member of:Staff Team
ProjectsCRN lines/stations, Helping the NTN/SRN
BasesUnderground Base on Labrador

Hello, I am XPModder!

About me

I joined Dogcraft towards the end of Survival 3!

While I mostly stayed to myself for my time on Sur3, I have since become an ever more active member of the Dogcraft community and enjoy working on community projects and hanging out with other members of the community!

IRL I am from Germany and am currently studying electrical engineering.

On Dogcraft

  • Survival 3:
    • For my time on Survival 3 I nearly exclusively worked on a base in an iceberg biome. Due to loosing interest in Minecraft for a few months and me joining relatively late in the lifecycle of the world, I never finished this base.
  • Survival 4:
    • Starting with the creation of the Survival 4 world (that was later known as Husky) I became more active in the community.
    • My starter base was located very close to exactly 2k away from spawn. There were multiple other bases close to mine. Among those was the city of Gaia and the Union Village (later renamed to The Haven).
    • Due to my close proximity to these bases I soon became a partner of the group called The Union and started working together with them on their base. I also helped other nearby players on their bases occasionally.
    • Later in to the lifecycle of the Survival 4 worlds, I traveled further out in the world and found a place for my main base. This base was going to be a medieval castle on a hill with a medieval village/city at the bottom of the hill. For the rest of my time on Survival 4 I mostly worked on this base. I was able to almost completely finish the castle, where each building inside the castle walls housed one or more farms that would produce resources for me. Due to a lack of inspiration for the houses and some time constraints due to things happening in real life, I was unfortunately not able to build the village/city at the bottom of the hill.
  • Survival 5:
    • My adventures on the Survival 5 worlds started far from optimal, as I started out on the Shepherd server and considered myself lucky, as I found some valuable resources very early on. Unfortunately I soon lost all these resources, as I died and was not able to get back to my stuff.
    • After this I went to Labrador and picked a random cardinal direction (north) and started exploring and looking for a place to settle. After a long trip over the ocean I found a very large cave with a entrance that was partly under water in a jungle and decided that I would want to build my base in this cave.
    • Soon after I discovered a slime chunk in the middle of this cave and some mob spawners nearby. I ended up building a big tower-like structure around the slime chunk, which was dug out and converted into a farm. Inside this structure, above the slime farm, a extensive automatic sorting system as well as a 32 furnace smelter array were build on multiple floors. A walkway circles the tower about halfway up and connects to walkways in all directions. These walkways lead to many other farms, that were built into the sides of the cave. All farms are linked directly to the storage system and almost all of them are within the random tick range from the center of the tower. Thus all these farms can work, when I am or another player is in the central tower.
    • Not long after the beginning of Survival 5 I also joined the NTN/SRN discord and soon became a semi-regular helper at the weekly NTN dig sessions. To this day I try to take part in every NTN session and I like chatting with the other players in voice chat.
    • As I have a passion for the railway, I also try to help with any SRN events and try to attend every line and station opening.
    • As the SRN is only active on the worlds of Akita and Shepherd, I have also become a very active member of the Community Rail Network. The CRN is a player-made project for operating rail lines on the other two worlds (Corgi and Labrador) and was founded after the SRN announced that they would only be operating on the two worlds. As part of the CRN I planned and built the first rail station on Labrador (North Station) and with the help of many other player, I built a rail line to connect it to spawn. Even after completing this rail line I stayed active in the CRN and have worked on multiple other rail lines and stations.
    • In the beggining of december 2022, thanks to my activity and engagement in the community, I was given the chance to become a helper on the server. As helper I am there to help the staff members (moderators, chat mods, head mods, etc) with small tasks. This mainly focuses on helping new players link their account and get started on the server. At the point of writing this (beginning of febuary 2023), I have been helper for 2 months.
This page was last modified on 8 March 2023, at 09:54. (5 months ago)