

From Dogcraft Wiki

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m (Added category: Annotation templates)
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<noinclude>[[Category:Annotation templates]]

Latest revision as of 12:02, 4 December 2023



List of Minecraft Chat Colors


{{Color|MCRed|custom text}}
Output: custom text

Color Color Name Example Text
MCBlack this is some example text
MCDarkBlue this is some example text
MCDarkGreen this is some example text
MCDarkAqua this is some example text
MCDarkRed this is some example text
MCDarkPurple this is some example text
MCGold this is some example text
MCGray this is some example text
MCDarkGray this is some example text
MCBlue this is some example text
MCGreen this is some example text
MCAqua this is some example text
MCRed this is some example text
MCLightPurple this is some example text
MCYellow this is some example text
MCWhite this is some example text

List of All Colors


{{Color|Aqua|custom text}}
Output: custom text

Color Color Name Example Text
AliceBlue this is some example text
AntiqueWhite this is some example text
Aqua this is some example text
Aquamarine this is some example text
Azure this is some example text
Beige this is some example text
Bisque this is some example text
Black this is some example text
BlanchedAlmond this is some example text
Blue this is some example text
BlueViolet this is some example text
Brown this is some example text
BurlyWood this is some example text
CadetBlue this is some example text
Chartreuse this is some example text
Chocolate this is some example text
Coral this is some example text
CornflowerBlue this is some example text
Cornsilk this is some example text
Crimson this is some example text
Cyan this is some example text
DarkBlue this is some example text
DarkCyan this is some example text
DarkGoldenRod this is some example text
DarkGray this is some example text
DarkGrey this is some example text
DarkGreen this is some example text
DarkKhaki this is some example text
DarkMagenta this is some example text
DarkOliveGreen this is some example text
DarkOrange this is some example text
DarkOrchid this is some example text
DarkRed this is some example text
DarkSalmon this is some example text
DarkSeaGreen this is some example text
DarkSlateBlue this is some example text
DarkSlateGray this is some example text
DarkSlateGrey this is some example text
DarkTurquoise this is some example text
DarkViolet this is some example text
DeepPink this is some example text
DeepSkyBlue this is some example text
DimGray this is some example text
DimGrey this is some example text
DodgerBlue this is some example text
FireBrick this is some example text
FloralWhite this is some example text
ForestGreen this is some example text
Fuchsia this is some example text
Gainsboro this is some example text
GhostWhite this is some example text
Gold this is some example text
GoldenRod this is some example text
Gray this is some example text
Grey this is some example text
Green this is some example text
GreenYellow this is some example text
HoneyDew this is some example text
HotPink this is some example text
IndianRed this is some example text
Indigo this is some example text
Ivory this is some example text
Khaki this is some example text
Lavender this is some example text
LavenderBlush this is some example text
LawnGreen this is some example text
LemonChiffon this is some example text
LightBlue this is some example text
LightCoral this is some example text
LightCyan this is some example text
LightGoldenRodYellow this is some example text
LightGray this is some example text
LightGrey this is some example text
LightGreen this is some example text
LightPink this is some example text
LightSalmon this is some example text
LightSeaGreen this is some example text
LightSkyBlue this is some example text
LightSlateGray this is some example text
LightSlateGrey this is some example text
LightSteelBlue this is some example text
LightYellow this is some example text
Lime this is some example text
LimeGreen this is some example text
Linen this is some example text
Magenta this is some example text
Maroon this is some example text
MediumAquaMarine this is some example text
MediumBlue this is some example text
MeduimOrchid this is some example text
MediumPurple this is some example text
MediumSeaGreen this is some example text
MediumSlateBlue this is some example text
MediumSpringGreen this is some example text
MediumTurquoise this is some example text
MediumVioletRed this is some example text
MidnightBlue this is some example text
MintCream this is some example text
MistyRose this is some example text
Moccasin this is some example text
NavajoWhite this is some example text
Navy this is some example text
OldLace this is some example text
Olive this is some example text
OliveDrab this is some example text
Orange this is some example text
OrangeRed this is some example text
Orchid this is some example text
PaleGoldenRod this is some example text
PaleGreen this is some example text
PaleTurquoise this is some example text
PaleVioletRed this is some example text
PapayaWhip this is some example text
PeachPuff this is some example text
Peru this is some example text
Pink this is some example text
Plum this is some example text
PowderBlue this is some example text
Purple this is some example text
RebeccaPurple this is some example text
Red this is some example text
RosyBrown this is some example text
RoyalBlue this is some example text
SaddleBrown this is some example text
Salmon this is some example text
SandyBrown this is some example text
SeaGreen this is some example text
SeaShell this is some example text
Sienna this is some example text
Silver this is some example text
SkyBlue this is some example text
SlateBlue this is some example text
SlateGray this is some example text
SlateGrey this is some example text
Snow this is some example text
SpringGreen this is some example text
SteelBlue this is some example text
Tan this is some example text
Teal this is some example text
Thistle this is some example text
Tomato this is some example text
Turquoise this is some example text
Violet this is some example text
Wheat this is some example text
White this is some example text
WhiteSmoke this is some example text
Yellow this is some example text
YellowGreen this is some example text

Sets the color of the text within the template.

Template parameters

This template prefers inline formatting of parameters.

Color1 color

A html color name (like "blue") or a hexadecimal color value (like "#f1f1f1")

Text2 text

The text to apply the color to

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog