The Island of Duskfall

From Dogcraft Wiki

The Island of Duskfall
Survival 6 Sheltie
Placeholder Image.png
WorldSurvival 6 (Sheltie)
Builder(s)ArrowsTheHunter LivingDeadRachie
LocationX= 542
Y= 65
Z= 3556
TransportSRN CSC

The Island of Duskfall is the base of The Dynamic Duo, 20.png ArrowsTheHunter & 20.png LivingDeadRachie on the Sheltie world of Survival 6 on the Dogcraft Server.


The Island of Duskfall (or Duskfall for short) is the 4th base of Arrows and Rachie, resting on a small dark forest island South on the Sheltie world.

Duskfall's original plan was to be a gothic-esq Victorian theme but would later have its' direction changed toward a more French themed build with a massive chateau hotel built on it's custom made hill.


On the 15th of April 2024, 20.png H_Di_Chemici asked Arrows if he and Rachie would be interested in building the 3rd South station for the Sheltie SRN, they agreed and would plan to place it on the small beach area off the coast of their island. It was since named "Dusk Station". On the 13th of November, the same year; Dusk Station would hold its' Line Opening Ceremony.


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Background SRN Opening by Montenator