Dogcraft Ice Boat League

From Dogcraft Wiki

Revision as of 07:55, 2 January 2020 by imported>Expedtadam (Initial changes to formatting, more coming)

Current Members:

TrainerMoon - Co-Founder

mperreault - Co-Founder

Excaliber_FC - League Commissioner

expedtadam - Geographical Engineer


The Dogcraft Ice Boat League (DIBL) was founded in September of 2019 by TrainerMoon and mperreault. Its inspiration is taken from Rendog's Ice Boat Track "Sahara Speedy Pines Raceway" on Hermitcraft 6. The idea came to Trainer when racing against various other players at TickleMeUnicorn's drowned farm where Tickle had temporarily set up a small ice boat race track for people to race around while loading more mobs for the farm.

After a short unofficial tournament was held at this track, mperreault asked Trainer and Excaliber to test out his new ice boat track he had quickly designed. After a couple races, Trainer came up with the idea to create a series of race tracks all over the server and host tournaments at these tracks. Thus, the Ice Boat League was born.

Originally it was just run by Trainer and mperreault. However, the two soon enlisted the help of Excaliber to take part as the official League Commissioner. His job is to help run tournaments to make sure they run smoothly, like a referee. They went on to host two tournaments that were both quite successful.

In November of 2019, Trainer hired the help of expedtadam to terraform the Ice Boat League Headquarters Island. After expedtadam finished the job, Trainer was so astounded at the final product, he officially made him the Geographical Engineer of the Ice Boat League.

List of Tracks

MP Iceway - Built mainly by mperreault, with some assistance from TrainerMoon and Excaliber_FC towards the end. This track actually is 2 tracks in 1. It features a control room next to the start/finish line with a lever that will allow the track to switch from its original shape to its much larger expansion. It also features various drops and bubble elevators to add elevation to the track.

    Coordinates: (-13767, -15640)
    NTN Connection: Outer Ring (West -> North 15.5k)

Baby Park - Built by TrainerMoon and mperreault. This track was inspired by the infamous chaotic tiny race track from Mario Kart of the same name. While it is tiny in size, it's enormous in fun Its vast amounts of blue ice wreaks havoc to anyone who dares attempt to conquer its tight turns.

    Coordinates: (1140, 6075)
    NTN Connection: South Line (6k Left Side)

River Raceway - Built by mperreault. This track is a winding river run through a massive snowy plains biome. It is the first non-loop track of the Ice Boat League. It has no walls so you want to be very careful to not end up in the grass, which will slow you down tremendously. At night, there is no better view than in the air looking down at the well lit up river.

    Coordinates: (8625, -14960)
    NTN Connection: North Line (15k Right Side)

Christmas Circuit - Built by marbou9. This long track winds its way through a winter wonderland. Made for the Christmas 2018 festivities, this track has been repurposed to be an official DIBL track.

    Coordinates: (-17460, 19620) /warpxmas2018
    NTN Connection: N/A

Pharaoh Falls - Built by mperreault and TrainerMoon. This track is located inside of an Egyptian style theme park owned by RageCorp called Pharaoh Park. It track features two large waterfalls, an elevated iceway, several bridges and two tunnels.

    Coordinates: (12980, 18250)
    NTN Connection: Outer Ring (South -> East 13k)

Scapelane Speedway - Built by legowar1508. This modern themed track loops around his base and shows off his incredible skyscraper. Not containing any elevation changes, this flat course tests racers ability to corner effectively and avoid crashing in the walls.

    Coordinates: (12170, -9010)
    NTN Connection:

Ouranos Raceway - Built by William278 and the Ouranos Build Team. This formula-1 style track may seem simple and easy to master, but don't be fooled by its simple shape. It track features tunnels, corner shortcuts, and blue ice lines to give you that extra speed boost. It's complete with stands for viewers at the finish line and a redstone mechanic that prevents people from getting a head start. Just watch out for mobs on the track at night.

    Coordinates: (5686, 1872)
    NTN Connection: East Line (5.5k Right Side, Ouranos Branch)

Tera Speedway - Built by Ategon. This narrow hidden gem is mostly underground or inside the buildings of Tera. It features a variety of challenges including fast straight paths, sections with no walls, and zig zag paths. Be on the lookout for shortcuts or sections of the track that branch off disguised as shortcuts.

    Coordinates: (250, -7154)
    NTN Connection: North Line (7k Right Side)

Sevoya - Built by Excaliber_FC and mperreault. This track takes place mostly in a desert that takes a little trip into a mountain region. It features lots of bubble columns and various paths you can take.

    Coordinates: (-11647, 13578)
    NTN Connection: N/A

Hybrid Highway - Built by Tekbot0507. This track encompasses the massive 4x4 map base of his. It is not the first track to incorporate both ice and water, but it's the first that uses them to their full effect.

    Coordinates: (-6126, -4984)
    NTN Connection: N/A

Easter Explosion - Built by martin_natorian and yddraigoch. This track was built in the Easter 2019 area. It is actually an ice boat maze with pressure plates that activate dispensers filled with TNT. It's a race to the exit while trying to stay alive.

    Coordinates: (-845, 11190) /warp easter2019
    NTN Connection: N/A

Highway to Hell - Built by mperreault. This track is built in the nether and winds its way through a nether fortress. It also splits up into different paths. You make your way all the way to a tunnel under the lava lakes of the nether.

    Coordinates: (N: -535, 92, 5984)
    NTN Connection: N/A

Holly Jolly Hollow - Built by DaftBarbecue with help from OldmanLP85 and RY44. This track was built in the Christmas 2019 area. It's a short loop inside a cavern underneath the metropolis made entirely out of snow and ice. It features a very festive starting song and a log tunnel.

    Coordinates: (E: -538597, 208078)
    NTN Connection: N/A

v Tournaments =

- Inaugural Tournament: The first tournament of the league featured many racers looking to test the waters of this new league. At the time the Ice Boat League was still semi-official. It featured races at MP Iceway, River Raceway, Pharaoh Falls, Baby Park, and Ouranos Speedway. The prizes were 10k DCD for third place, which went to nossi, 20k DCD for second place, which went to William278, and 30k DCD for first place, which went to gupta99999.

- Time Zone Tournament: The second tournament of the league featured racers signing up for one of 3 group preliminary rounds, divided between continents. The 3 groups hosted the rounds at hours that catered to Australia/New Zealand, Europe, and North America in timed races at MP Iceway, Pharaoh Falls, and River Raceway. The 6 fastest racers overall were SmashNoodles, dmgdog, SmallerSnail, Ategon, SilverLurker, and L1GHTN1NG_STR1KE, who qualified to race at the finals at Ouranos Speedway. However, several of these 6 finalists could not make it to the final race so runners up had to take their place. The finals were raced by dmgdog, Mackaaaa, Andalarew, Ategon, SilverLurker, and L1GHTN1NG_STR1KE. The prizes were 10k DCD and an enchanted trident either riptide or channeling based on what second place doesn't pick for third place, which went to SilverLurker, 25k DCD and an enchanted trident of their choice between riptide or channeling for second place, which went to dmgdog, and 50k DCD and 2 enchanted tridents, 1 channeling and 1 riptide, for first place, which went to L1GHTN1NG_STR1KE. In addition, TrainerMoon gave all 6 finalists the option for a free commission of 100 stacks of any wood of their choice.


Located in the overworld at coordinates (x: 1104, z: 785), this sunflower plains biome island was discovered by TrainerMoon on his first week on the server in August of 2019. For the next 4 months, the Ice Boat League staff worked together to transform the island into a gorgeous modern beach resort transformed from an ancient greek temple. It is connected to the SRN as a branch line from the South Station and is connected to the NTN via the East line at the 1k block marker on the right.


The Ice Boat League used to have its own discord server, but on October 15, 2019, that server was deleted to merge with the Dogcraft Spleef League and Equestrian League to form the DC Leagues Server. Originally, the HQ Island was supposed to house the HQ for the short lived DC Tick game, a variant of the Hot Potato game from Hermitcraft 6. The HQ Island is home to the smallest flower forest biome on the server. The flower forest has an area of 86 blocks and spans 15 blocks North/South and 10 blocks East/West. Only 3 people commissioned wood orders from the Time Zone Tournament. The finals for the Time Zone Tournament were put on pause between races due to a massive phantom attack. TickleMeUnicorn's track tournament caused a lot of drowned to spawn, many with tridents. It is one of the biggest contributors to the great Trident Economy crash of 2019. The League has been put on hiatus until 1.15 because 1.14 chunk loading was terrible.

This page was last modified on 2 January 2020, at 07:55. (5 months ago)