Mob Heads on Dogcraft

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Revision as of 19:47, 15 February 2025 by Domino (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{User:Domino/Mob Heads on Dogcraft/Survival 5}}")
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User:Domino/PastMobHeads Header

Event Heads

The following table lists heads that were acquirable through events.

Image Head Event Method CollapseLink
5381354ff8c82da6ccd1af476ceebab1_XS.jpg Easter Egg Surprise! Easter 2022 Finishing one or more of the spawn head hunts.
0bed27c21d8c00b5c0674a6e0674734d_XS.jpg Akita Easter Egg Easter 2022 Finishing the Akita spawn head hunt.
6055c4f2aeedad852fd03fb427e7647f_XS.jpg Corgi Easter Egg Easter 2022 Finishing the Corgi spawn head hunt.
a0dc4aa2c36869487995169b9d32b4ed_XS.jpg Labrador Easter Egg Easter 2022 Finishing the Labrador spawn head hunt.
7b3ca781ac29d03244292689f2486ef1_XS.jpg Shepherd Easter Egg Easter 2022 Finishing the Shepherd spawn head hunt.

Staff Heads

This section is about Staff Heads that can drop from one mob with variations on Dogcraft. the chosen mob has multiple states, which affects what Staff Head might drop. Because the plugin uses the UUID system to drop heads, a different head will drop if a Staff Member changes their skin, resulting in many available heads on the server, in the past and in the future. For that reason they will not all be listed here individually. The droprate for all Staff Heads is 5%. Like with Mob Heads, if multiple heads could drop from the same mob type, the plugin picks one at random. The below table details what drops from what variation of the mob.

In Survival 5 the mob that drops Staff Heads was the Bee mob. The bee's state dictated on which type of Staff Head one got.

Bee's State CollapseStaff Head
Passive 20.png Renthedog
Pollinated Angry [Admin]s
Pollinated [HeadMod]s
Angry [Mod]s
Stung [ChatMod]s

Mob Heads

On the 17th of April 2022, the playerbase was notified that some head drops had been modified, removed, or added from the previous version (which was also used on Survival 4). You can see the updated table bellow:

The default drop chance is 5% every time a mob is killed, with exceptions for Blazes, Cave Spiders, Endermen, Iron golems, Magma cubes, Zombie piglins, Skeletons, Slime, Spiders, Zombies and Zombie piglin which are all 1%, default Zombie villagers and Polar bears which are 15%, and the Elder Guardian and Ender Dragon, which have a 100% chance to drop heads. Where multiple head textures are noted for a single mob (eg.: the Allay), when dropped, a random texture is chosen. The Ender Dragon comes with 21 unique golden colored head drops.

User:Domino/PastMobHeads Footer

This page was last modified on 15 February 2025, at 19:47. (29 days ago)