
Kfr291/Newsletter Draft Feb

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Template:News columns

Upcoming dates

-March 13 through Marchn 19: St. Patrick's build.
-various dates: SRN line openings. Watch for Discord annoucments.

Dogcraft Creative becomes three

As the server continues to grow, things continue to change. Summerflower1234 has been the lead of the Dogcraft Creative team for a year now in addition to all her other work. As our community continues to grow and projects became larger, there needed to be a small change made. Summerflower1234 has stepped aside as the team leader of the Creative team in order to focus on her other responsibilities. Summer will not be an easy person to replace; in fact, three new leaders were brought on to fill her position. We congratulate Dutchsoccer, EtaTheZeta and TheWhiteTiger as they step forward to fill Summerflower’s position as team leader. They have already held a team meeting planning the server's next major community build. Dates. Times and location of that will be released in the coming weeks, so keep an eye out in the announcements for that. In the meantime, best of luck to our new team leaders as we continue to building a better server.

Its in the the fine Detials

As you run around our lovely server, you will inevitabley see different players creating custom banners for their home bases. This little detail adds an identity not only to a build but a player. You can’t help but see a sunshine Habour banner and not think of JVKermit or Jmsvvr. It helps identify different groups on the server like the Leon whose banner can be found not only in their large city, but individual bases or even ‘consulates’ on other servers. Most times players see banners and don’t give them a second thought. Hundreds of banners have been placed in the NTN and SRN to help denote distances or names of locations. A player by the name of PerskyPuff has taken the time to build a museum dedicated to these uniquie Minecraft items. PerksyPuff opened the museum not only for players to view and appreciate the fine craftmanship of banners, but also to invite players to contact them if they wish to donate their own personal banner to the collection.

Preservering the old for a better future

Marsh mechanics.png

Our current server may only be a year or so old but that doesn't mean Dogcraft hasn’t existed prior to this. A group of dedicated members on the server are taking the time to preserve older ruins while incorporating newer technology and builds to it. Marsh Mechanics lead by a number of players; CanadianSteampk, Lunna, Minedog, Blacksteel to name a few. These members are taking the ruins of the past, stabilizing them while also bring new modern builds to the area. Marsh Mechanics is open for a solo walking tour or contact one of their members if you wish to take a tour. Their members are a helpful, friendly bunch who would like nothing more than to show you around their ancient ruins.
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This page was last modified on 12 March 2023, at 11:43. (8 months ago)
Background Dragon Slayer - Retriever by Ironboundred