List of Highest Natural Mountains

From Dogcraft Wiki

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This page attempts to list the Highest Natural Mountains discovered on the various Survival Multiplayer worlds of the Dogcraft Server. This list only counts mountains naturally generated and not player-build structures.


  • Anyone can enter any mountain they find, but only if it is higher than any of the previous logged discoveries in that same world.
  • Any kind of naturally generated block can count as 'highest' point. So for example, when there's a tree on top of a mountain, then the top of that tree counts as the logged height. The logged height is the Y-value that is displayed in the debug screen (F3-key) when you stand on top.
  • Artificial mountains, builds or modifications are, obviously, excluded.
  • Keep the mountain pristine! Don't pollute!

Highest Mountains

Husky (Survival 4)
Name Height Coordinates Biome Summit screenshot Wide screenshot Discovery date Explorer Notes
Mt. Wooden Leg 193

6452, 193, 6444  Map )

Shattered Savanna Plateau 2021-04-22 19.31.48.png 2021-04-22 19.39.27.png April 22nd 2021 20.png _edo
Floaty Rock 153

868, 153, -1611  Map )

Stone Shore Mountain Top 2021-04-22 16.35.22.png 2021-04-22 17.11.16.png April 22nd 2021 20.png _edo best found possible entry, to get a first log in.
Beagle (Survival 4)
Name Height Coordinates Biome Summit screenshot Wide screenshot Discovery date Explorer Notes
Challenger Peak 163

77284, 163, -615712  Map )

Mountains Challenger Peak scprf.png April 22nd 2021 20.png eybwam
Peakbor 185 53574, 185, -105560 Shattered Savanna Peak Info.png Peak Image.png August 10th 2021 20.png Dyl78_
Background SRN Opening by Montenator