Author Topic: Moderator Applications  (Read 23847 times)


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Re: Moderator Applications
« Reply #45 on: November 05, 2017, 04:12:10 pm »
IGN: ChargedBluey
Age: 26 (27 in 48 days)
Time Zone: GMT (United Kingdom)
Play Time: Everyday, for many hours at time.
Member Since: May 19th 2017
   I believe I would make a good Moderator as I have a good understanding and Knowledge of the rules, I am polite, easy going, always willing to offer help if needed, I will enforce the rules with a iron(boundred) fist but not to the extent of being a dictator(never ends well for dictators lol).


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Re: Moderator Applications
« Reply #46 on: December 07, 2017, 09:41:40 am »
Your in-game username.


Your Age


Your time zone.

Pacific/Auckland UTC +12:00

How often you play on the server.

Around 3 hours a day

How long you have been a member of Dogcraft.

Almost a year, but I am dedicated.

A brief and thorough reason why you would be a good moderator.

I think I could make a good moderator on the DogCraft server because I am extremely active, and I love to play on DogCraft. I like to have a lot of fun with people and in the game, but when needed I can be strict and serious. I have been on the receiving end of a warning once, so I can connect to how some of the younger players can feel whilst getting told. I'm generally good with words, and I can uphold rules 99.95% of the time. I have past experience of being a moderator as I have been one in three different servers. I am already playing a small part in the community as I am in the server build team and on the events committee, but I would love to take another step towards being a rel help to the cyberdog nation!

Any past history of being staff on a minecraft server.

Been one in three different servers.


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Re: Moderator Applications
« Reply #47 on: December 09, 2017, 08:02:36 am »
My Moderator Application:

Your in-game username.

Your age. The "guideline" age to become a moderator is 16, that means with showing enough dedication you could still become a MOD if you're under 16.
Age: 17 (Born on the 6th Febuary 2000)

Your time zone.
GMT +02:00

How often you play on the server.
I play on the Server 2-4 Hours a day, On Weekends I tend to play much longer (4-8 hours)

How long you have been a member of Dogcraft.
I have been a member of dogcraft since August 2016

A brief and thorough reason why you would be a good moderator.
I believe I would be a good Moderator because I keep and eye out on chat all the time, I am very active,  I help everyone that needs help, I can be strict if need be. By now, I know most of the Issues players can Experience, And know how to solve them.

Any past history of being staff on a minecraft server.


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Re: Moderator Applications
« Reply #48 on: December 17, 2017, 07:18:19 pm »
Your in-game username.

Your age.

Your time zone.

How often you play on the server.
Daily (often in the mornings before work and again in the evenings)

How long you have been a member of Dogcraft.
A couple months

A brief and thorough reason why you would be a good moderator.
I really appreciate the family friendly community Dogcraft offers and the people I've met while playing.  I'd like to do my part to help support that culture.

Any past history of being staff on a minecraft server.
I've run a few small home server setups for my daughter and her friends, so I have a little experience with how those mechanics work.  Other than that, no public server experience.


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Re: Moderator Applications
« Reply #49 on: December 23, 2017, 10:50:44 am »
I'm updating my application to include updated information. :P

Your in-game username.
My In-game name is: MissEve_Gaming

Your age. The "guideline" age to become a moderator is 16, that means with showing enough dedication you could still become a MOD if you're under 16.
I'm 19 turning 20 in Feburary

Your time zone.
My Timezone is Australia (UTC +11)

How often you play on the server.
I've been away due to school and University, but I'm on a lot more now and will be. I'm playing 3-4 hours every day unless something comes up that stops me such as work or family time. I can also jump on pretty quickly and I'm on discord a lot.

How long you have been a member of Dogcraft.
I've been a member of dogcraft for almost 4 years now.

A brief and thorough reason why you would be a good moderator.
I'd be a good moderator because I always try to be helpful and try to make others life easier. I'm ready and willing to be helpful in anyway I can. I get along well with a lot of the current staff so I'd feel more than at home and would make it easy to explain and co-ordinate with the other staff.

Any past history of being staff on a minecraft server.
I have been a moderator on another server called Lichcraft but due to a complete reset of the server all staff roles were removed and I never got a chance to be one again.

I'm currently staff on a friends server and also an owner of my own server (which is still being built).


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Re: Moderator Applications
« Reply #50 on: December 29, 2017, 03:07:53 pm »
Your in-game username.


Your Age


Your time zone.


How often you play on the server.

As much as I can, I moved into Year 9 in september so I started doing gcse work so I try to play as much as I can

How long you have been a member of Dogcraft.

Started in late 2016 (November)

A brief and thorough reason why you would be a good moderator.

I believe that I would be a good moderator/staff member because I love to play minecraft in general. I'm fairly well known on the server and I have many friends. People would be able to trust me to help them and aid them in whatever business they desire. I have been a part of dogcraft for a long time now (just over a year) and I think I would be a valuable asset to the staff team altogether. Even when I am not on the server, I can usually be found online on discord ready for messages. I am easy to contact. I work hard and I always exceed expectations. Yes I make mistakes, we all do. But I will always get around issues and mistakes that are caused by someone else or even me. Hope you accept me - Bio

Any past history of being staff on a minecraft server.

I am a moderator on Mehworldofhypno's server and I am admin on Tjwilliams and 2lesslives server.


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Re: Moderator Applications
« Reply #51 on: January 18, 2018, 11:07:55 pm »
My Moderator Application:

Your in-game username.

Your age. The "guideline" age to become a moderator is 16, that means with showing enough dedication you could still become a MOD if you're under 16.
Age: 18 (Born on the 5th of May, 1999)

Your time zone.

How often you play on the server.
I play on the Server 5-6 Hours a day, On Weekends I tend to play much longer (6-10 hours/day)

How long you have been a member of Dogcraft.
I have been a member of DogCraft since December of 2017

A brief and thorough reason why you would be a good moderator.
I believe that I am a good candidate for a moderator position on DogCraft because of a few reasons - 1. I spend a lot of time on the server, 2. I have played Minecraft for 8 years, and have much experience helping others on servers, as I know how to play very well, and 3. I enjoy helping those who need to be helped. As well, I am a very friendly person in general, and have already made friends with a large portion of the players on DogCraft.

Any past history of being staff on a minecraft server.
Yes. I have been a part-owner (I helped pay for it and everything) of a small server with my friends, and have also been Mod or even Admin rank on at least three other servers (none of which are still running, sadly, but not as a result of me!).

Thanks for the consideration!


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Re: Moderator Applications
« Reply #52 on: February 17, 2018, 11:50:48 am »
My Moderator Application:

In game name-

      12.5(Born on the 20th of July 2005)

Time zone-

How often i play-
       I play for weekdays 3-4hours on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays~and on Fridays/Mondays i play for 1-2 hours longer. During weekends i tend to play for 7-10 hours but i have exceptions of where i can not play at all on all days. I am diagnosed w/ epilepsy so i have to both go to sleep at 8 ish and i sometimes have to go to hospital.

How long have i been a Dogcraft member-

       I have been a member of dogcraft since December 2017 but have been part of it from earlier times when i had an account called epi_Havoc.

A brief but thorough explaination of why i should be a MOD-

       I am a good listener when i am being told to do, i am a fast typer and have not abused the rules on purpose. I am a friendly and thankful person and i have made friends with many of the Dogcraft community. I am not biased towards race, religion etc. Although i am atheist myself... I am ready to except changes and enjoy it. I have also always wanted to be part of a Moderating team-such Prefectorial jobs i enjoy!! I lastly have a desire to help and answer questions often going on to explain parts of the server/game people do not understand.

       I have had expierience for i was the owner of a small server that crashed and burned because i couldnt fund it with the amount of people joining, but i have been part of my schools prefectorial system for as long as 1 yr and half!!

Thralc-Thx for considering me.


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Re: Moderator Applications
« Reply #53 on: May 03, 2018, 01:01:57 am »
Your in-game username.


Your time zone.

How often you play on the server.
On weekdays I can do 8+ hours and on weekends I can do 8+ hours; sometimes more if required or if I am complete all work.

How long you have been a member of Dogcraft.
Since November.

A brief and thorough reason why you would be a good moderator.
I am passionate I will be a good moderator because I am willing to be dedicate to my job. Since I started my time on the server I have been dedicated to the community, I will not judge ANYONE on who they are and will always respect all. When it comes to dealing with situations (e.g. disrespect, harassing players) I will make sure that I check all the facts presented to me so I can make the correct final decision. I will be enforce the rules whilst being strict when necessary but will always be calm even in the worst of situations.

Any past history of being staff on a minecraft server.
Yes, I used to own my own successful server. It was just for friends but it then started getting 11 people on at a time, so I have experience with managing staff and players also with how a server works (i.e dealing with abuse or social spy and any other mods). But before that I was a mod on a close friends server; wasn't as successful as mine with 5 people on at a time.


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Re: Moderator Applications
« Reply #54 on: June 15, 2018, 05:26:16 pm »
Your in-game username- RY44

Your age-21

Your time zone-GMT

How often you play on the server- very often on most days for long periods at a time including weekends

How long you have been a member of Dogcraft.- 5 nearly 6 months

A brief and thorough reason why you would be a good moderator.- i feel i would be a good moderator as i am a very observant person and also always try to help people when and where i can. part of the reason i wish to apply is because of my irl anxiety and with that i would like to virtually communicate and work with others for the benefit of the server and also use this as a way to develop other communication, conflict resalution and teamwork skills

Any past history of being staff on a minecraft server.- no


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Re: Moderator Applications
« Reply #55 on: June 28, 2018, 09:11:14 pm »
Your in-game username: GummiBear87

Your age: 31 (born 25th May 1987)

Your time zone: GMT

How often you play on the server: Daily

How long you have been a member of Dogcraft: Been a member since December 04, 2017

A brief and thorough reason why you would be a good moderator:

I feel I would be a good Moderator because I love helping other CyberDogs where ever possible. I'm a relaxed, Kind and caring person but can be strict where needed ( 2 children so I need to be strict at times).
There have been times where someone has needed "Mod" help but no Mods have been on so I have always offered help when I knew the answers to what they needed. I love Dogcraft and enjoy being here and really just want to continue to help others. :D

Any past history of being staff on a minecraft server: No

Well thanks for taking the time to read and to consider me for the role. :D 


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Re: Moderator Applications
« Reply #56 on: November 06, 2018, 03:32:47 am »
Your in-game username:

Your age:

Your time zone:
CST (GMT -6:00)

How often do you play on the server:
I average about a hour a night during the week, and usually a minimum of 3-4 hours over Saturday and Sunday.

How long have you been a member of Dogcraft:
I'm not sure exactly, I know it was at least 6-8 months before survival 2 opened, but it might have been even longer than that.

A brief and thorough reason why you would be a good moderator:
I would say the main reason, is that this community helped me through the hardest, darkest, and most painful times of my life, and because of that I want to do my part to make sure this community continues to thrive so that it can continue to help people.

Any past history of being staff on a minecraft server:
Yes, a little. I was part of the developer/admin team for a small server set up by a few of my lifelong friends. My primary role, once the server was up and we started inviting people on, was that of a moderator.

Thank you for considering me, and I appreciate you taking the time to read my application.  :)


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Re: Moderator Applications
« Reply #57 on: November 07, 2018, 10:48:54 pm »
Your in-game username.

Your age.

Your time zone.

How often you play on the server.
Every day if not multiple times a week

How long you have been a member of Dogcraft.
I joined Dogcraft on April 01, 2017, 10:07:11 AM. So over a year and 1/2

A brief and thorough reason why you would be a good moderator.
I am capable of making just decisions so it is advantageous to the player as well as Dogcraft's safety and integrity. I am a very active player and enjoy helping people with the problems and issues, I would not do anything out of spite as I like to think of myself as being calm and passive. I work well as a team, and am able to make decisions within a group of people.

Any past history of being staff on a minecraft server
In the past I have been the owner of multiple minecraft vanilla and modded servers with an active community, out of owning these servers i have gained knowledge in such things as editing .yml files for various plugins.

I hope you take my application into consideration, many thanks,
Pyraxe :-)


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Re: Moderator Applications
« Reply #58 on: December 18, 2018, 05:18:56 am »
Your in-game username?

Your age?

Your time zone?

How often do you play on the server?
It depends how busy I am. I try to come on every day for a couple of hours to complete certain projects.

How long have you been a member of Dogcraft?
I have been a member for about 4 weeks.

A brief and thorough reason why you would be a good moderator.
I think I would be a good moderator because i like to lead and help people. I love helping out the new people by giving them supplies and a little DCD to start out. I also help people out even when there is no payment involved. I would consider myself mature enough for this position.

Any past history of being staff on a minecraft server?
I have no past history of being staff on a minecraft server.


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Re: Moderator Applications
« Reply #59 on: March 15, 2019, 11:55:11 pm »
Your in-game username.

Your age.

Your time zone.
Mountian Time Zone.

How often you play on the server.
I play in the mornings before work, about 3-4 hours. Then Roughly 1 hour before I sleep. Longer on the weekends.

How long you have been a member of Dogcraft.
I've been a member since September 30, 2018.

A brief and thorough reason why you would be a good moderator.
i've always been impartial, slow to judge, and helpfull when I can be. I love community projects, problem solving, and building. I like to be fair. I'll always listen and try to help.

Any past history of being staff on a minecraft server.
I used to moderate a small Tekkit modpack server. made a ton of good friends and fond memories. I was a moderator, then promoted to Admin.