Author Topic: Moderator Applications  (Read 23145 times)


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Re: Moderator Applications
« Reply #30 on: June 03, 2017, 02:11:33 am »
IGN - BigR3d96

Age - 20

timezone - AEST - UTC +11 I think

I play on the server every day during the week for minimum a minimum 3 hour periodand often play for up to 10 hours at a time during the weekend and holiday periods.

I have only been a member of dogcraft for a couple of weeks but in that time I have become a part of the community.

I believe that I would be a good moderator as I am a committed person with the ability to be impartial, strict , fair and follow the guidelines.

As of Yet I have not been a moderator or staff member on a minecraft server but I am dedicated quick learner, who is willing to put in the time and effort to learn


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Re: Moderator Applications
« Reply #31 on: June 15, 2017, 02:40:47 pm »
Your in-game username.

Your age. The "guideline" age to become a moderator is 16, that means with showing enough dedication you could still become a MOD if you're under 16.
    15 1/2

Your time zone.
     (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
How often you play on the server.
     Recently, 2 hours a day, But I'm planning on playing for 5 a day soon
How long you have been a member of Dogcraft.
     2 Years and 7 months
A brief and thorough reason why you would be a good moderator.
     I've seen how the server is run, and would like to help keep it a good and safe place for people to hang out and play minecraft. I have had real life leadership experiences witch would transfer into the game when needed.
Any past history of being staff on a minecraft server.
     Only my own Private server


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Re: Moderator Applications
« Reply #32 on: June 18, 2017, 12:22:50 pm »
Your in-game username.

Your age. The "guideline" age to become a moderator is 16, that means with showing enough dedication you could still become a MOD if you're under 16.

Your time zone.
    GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)

How often you play on the server.
    As much as possible, which could be somewhere between 2 hours and 10 hours

How long you have been a member of Dogcraft?
    Almost a year

A brief and thorough reason why you would be a good moderator.
    Moderation is clearly a role of responsibility, and I feel that I am responsible enough to take on that role. In the year I have been on the server, I have seen the mods at work many times and I wish to help them make the server a welcoming place for all, while upholding the rules of the server.

Any past history of being staff on a minecraft server.
    I am a prime on paradise server(Which isn't much so I don't know why I'm mentioning it here) and a redstoner on a few small servers, but nothing on the scale of moderation.



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Re: Moderator Applications
« Reply #33 on: June 19, 2017, 11:58:28 pm »
at least 2 hours a day
3 hours
I'm willing to help the mods and owner as much as possible
no never learned redstone but willing to learn listen and do \^_^/ but my oringinal server I was in they told me I was like an admin


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Re: Moderator Applications
« Reply #34 on: June 23, 2017, 11:08:35 pm »
Your in-game username.

Your age. The "guideline" age to become a moderator is 16, that means with showing enough dedication you could still become a MOD if you're under 16.
I am 28 years old.

Your time zone.

I live in The United States of America in Eastern Standard Time (EST).

How often you play on the server.
 I play Monday - Thursday for about 10 hours and Friday-Sunday from 7am to 9am

How long you have been a member of Dogcraft.

I been a member for about 8 months. I was here for the old hub and  for the crash. Though my accounts says only a couple months.

A brief and thorough reason why you would be a good moderator.
Well I don't know if I would be a good one, but I want to try. I like this server and the people on it and would like to try to keep it running smooth and  efficient. I  Know responsibility  with my Job and age .

Any past history of being staff on a minecraft server.
I am not a staff but I am  part of the event commodity. Which I love and I  am amazing friends with  most mods I have meet


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Re: Moderator Applications
« Reply #35 on: July 01, 2017, 08:25:32 am »
Your in-game username
My ingame username is EllenNL

Your age
I'm 17 years old

Your timezone
My timezone is normally UTC+1, and during daylight savings UTC+2

How often do you play on the server
I usually play 3-5 hours on weekdays, about 8 hours on Saturdays, and I don't play on Sundays.

How long have you been a member of Dogcraft
I've been a member of Dogcraft for over a year now, I joined at 24-05-2016.

A brief and thorough reason why you would be a good moderator
I'm a mature person and I like to help people out when they need help with something. I'm a good listener and I can have a lot of patience when I need to deal with a problem. Because I've been on the server for over a year now, I know about the common issues players can experience, and I know what questions get asked frequently. Also, a lot of people in the community already know me because I've been around for that long.

Any past history of being staff on a minecraft server
I have never been staff on a minecraft server before.

Thank you for reading my application,


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Re: Moderator Applications
« Reply #36 on: July 01, 2017, 02:33:15 pm »



How often do I play on the server?
I play on the server 4+ hours on weekdays and 6-7+ on weekends.

When did i start playing on the server?
27th March 2017

Why would i be a good moderator?
I believe in all player having fun and enjoying themselves on the server without breaking the rules. I will always treat the players with respect and kindness. If so a person breaks the rules i will ensure i make the correct decision and deal with the lawbreaker quickly so no problems are caused. Another reason why i would like to be a moderator or mod is so i can help the server and the players have a good time.

Have i ever been staff on another server.
No i have not
« Last Edit: August 24, 2017, 11:35:11 am by KaidenPritchard »


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Re: Moderator Applications
« Reply #37 on: July 14, 2017, 03:31:08 am »
Your in-game username:


Your age.


Your time zone.

EST (USA Eastern Standard Time Zone)

How often you play on the server.

1-14 hours a day (rough estimate could be more some days, especially during the summer)

How long you have been a member of Dogcraft.

The website says I've been on the server since April 22nd 2017 but something got messed up and I had to re-register.  I've actually been a part of the server from somewhere between the 1.9 update and the 1.10 update, so spring 2016.  I have 4.53 days and counting logged on the server.

A brief and thorough reason why you would be a good moderator.

I believe I would be a good moderator because I know all the rules and follow them all myself. I also already know the answers to many of the questions that people ask on the server. For example, how to use shops and how to own a shop.  I am also on the server for extended periods of time and therefore would be on to monitor the server and ask any questions that people have.  I would love to be able to help the community of the dogcraft server and make newcomers feel welcome.  I am also a patreon and would love to support Ren as a moderator too.

Any past history of being staff on a minecraft server.

I was a moderator on one of my friends servers that he had made a couple years ago. As well as i was a moderator on a server called artoriacraft.


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Re: Moderator Applications
« Reply #38 on: July 17, 2017, 11:38:14 pm »
Your in-game username.

Your age.

Your time zone.

How often you play on the server.
Almost every day for a few hours each day

How long you have been a member of Dogcraft.
About 6 months

A brief and thorough reason why you would be a good moderator.
I love Dogcraft and love the server so much.  I love helping people out, but feel that there isn't much I can do to help out, and I believe as a mod I would be able to both help people out and make this server a better and more fun place for everybody.  I know I have broken rules in the past, and may have done some things that are wrong, but I believe that I have changed and I am ready to move on.

Any past history of being staff on a Minecraft server.
I have not been "staff" but I have helped out with resolving issues regarding griefing/stealing on private servers that I played on in the past.


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Re: Moderator Applications
« Reply #39 on: July 20, 2017, 05:28:25 pm »



How often do you play on the server?
I usually play 1-6 hours on a weekday and 4-8 on a weekend

How long have you been a member on dogcraft?
I Joined the server on the 27th March 2017

Why would I be a good moderator?
One of the main reasons for me wanting to be a moderator is because I want to help the server. I am a very mature and strict person who would make sure rules on the server are not broken. I also think that I would be a good candidate because many people on the server know me and I am friends with. I like to help people on the server as much as possible even if it is providing people on the server with armour and tools of they die to helping them get started on the server. Problems may occur on the server and if so I will help try and sort them out.

Any past history of being staff on a minecraft server?
I don't have any previous history as staff.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2017, 11:34:49 am by KaidenPritchard »


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Re: Moderator Applications
« Reply #40 on: August 12, 2017, 03:47:13 pm »
Your in-game username: MarkAntonir

Your age: 16

Your time zone: CST

How often you play on the server: At least an hour a day but that number should go up.

How long you have been a member of Dogcraft: About 5 days or so.

A brief and thorough reason why you would be a good moderator: I always try to be helpful and kind I once led a player across the entire minecraft map to help him find his brother (I was not allowed to use tp commands on players) and I do know a fair amount of minecraft coding.

Any past history of being staff on a minecraft server: I used to be a moderator on a server called new solace but the owner closed the server when 1.9 came out


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Re: Moderator Applications
« Reply #41 on: September 11, 2017, 09:43:59 pm »
Your in-game username. BrokenBed, people know me as MrMoustaches

Your age. 15, i will be 16 on September 22nd

Your time zone. Holland, I think CEST+1

How often you play on the server. As much as i possibly can,

How long you have been a member of Dogcraft. Ive been a Dogcraft member since, i think January 2017.

A brief and thorough reason why you would be a good moderator. I dont think i will be the perfect moderator, but as long as i can help people and make people maybe feel that little 1% better, id say im doing a good job.

Any past history of being staff on a minecraft server. I do, but not much to talk about :)


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Re: Moderator Applications
« Reply #42 on: October 09, 2017, 12:31:39 pm »
Your in-game username. Mike3132

Your age. 23

Your time zone.E.S.T East Coast United States

How often you play on the server. About 2-5 hrs a day

How long you have been a member of Dogcraft.About 3 days (24hrs of play time) but have been following ren on youtube/twitch for about 2 years now. (recently found out about the server)

A brief and thorough reason why you would be a good moderator.I would be a good moderator because I have past experience as a server moderator. I know the rules of the server very well even though I haven't been here long. I enjoy this server very much and would love to be able to help it grow and be the best minecraft server ever.

Any past history of being staff on a minecraft server. I have been a moderator on 2 different servers. The first Was a enhanced survival server. which means our players had the ability to fly using resources they mine and they had the ability to obtain spawners from silk touch pickaxes. There was also a server economy kinda like dcd's that was a very big part of the server. We had around 10-30 players on during peak times.

The second was a towny/skyblock server. it was a fairly big server with a very heavily modified mcmmo and jobs plugins along with massive player grinders and even a seperate resource world for people to mine in. There was also a very cool ranking system that players could use in game money to buy ranks and with each rank you got different abilites with the highest rank being able to have /fly and to mine spawners with silk touch pickaxes. We had around 70-150 players on during peak times.

I have experience with multiple plugins including essentails,group manager,pex,core protect, world guard,world edit,mob arena, and multi verse
« Last Edit: October 10, 2017, 12:48:47 pm by Mike3132 »


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Re: Moderator Applications
« Reply #43 on: October 14, 2017, 03:22:29 pm »
Your in-game username. Topazxx

Your age. 15
Your time zone. eastern

How often you play on the server. 2 hour a day

How long you have been a member of Dogcraft. 10 days

A brief and thorough reason why you would be a good moderator. I want to help people with there concerns

Any past history of being staff on a minecraft server. Yes on My Server  :) :) :) :) :) :)


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Re: Moderator Applications
« Reply #44 on: October 26, 2017, 01:46:40 pm »
Your in-game username.

32 years young

Your time zone.

I live in Australia Queensland, so my time zone is GMT+8

How often you play on the server.

I tend to play most nights, between 8pm and midnight, my time. So,11am to 3pm GMT

How long you have been a member of Dogcraft.

Rendog since the beginning of hermitcraft season 4, but it wasn't until march
I have been watching 2017 that I was finally able to switch from being a console minecrafter to a pc minecrafter and join the dogcraft server. I joined in time for to see the hermitron game unleashed in survival 1 that I activity played. and now I'm busying myself on survival 2, helping drain an ocean monument and working on my own base and forever changing spawn plot in brown district.

A brief and thorough reason why you would be a good moderator.

I would like to be a mod so I can  continue to uphold the values of the server. I always strive to the best I can be. I will carry this over by welcoming new players to the server, helping those new and experienced when I can, and being on the lookout for behaviour that is untoward and against the rules of the dogcraft server.

Although I have not had experience moderating a minecraft server, I have been a moderator on social network for other games I play, which included helping maintain rules, setting up giveaways and running competitions

Any past history of being staff on a minecraft server.