Author Topic: Missing Villagers  (Read 3054 times)


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Missing Villagers
« on: April 18, 2017, 12:22:58 am »
Not sure if anybody else has had this problem, but I wanted to mention it in case I had something wrong or there's a bug. I have a villager/iron farm and when I logged on last night 10 of the 11 villagers were missing. I am aware that A villager could get turned into a zombie and then de-spawn. That's why I completely encased 6 villagers each in their own 2x1 cells suspended in the air. Completely surrounded by stone and glass blocks. Each has its own block of glow stone in the wall. The other four are in the farming area also completely enclosed with hi light levels. All other Spawn-able areas are covered in half slabs, running water or class.  I also have it all claimed so no chance of someone steeliing them. I'm willing to except this was just a one time bug. Unless zombies can Fly and hit you through walls I can't see it. Most likely scenario is there some sort of bug or I am missing something on how villagers work. That is entirely possible because I am by no means an expert.
I was lucky I did have some villagers stored nearby so I was able to start them breeding again. I also didn't lose any librarians with amazing trades because that would have been a real heartbreaker. The other odd thing is I didn't lose them all one villager was still in his cell. Don't want to call this a bug because I can't reproduce it nor do I want to. I thought it might be important to make a note of it.



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Re: Missing Villagers
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2017, 12:33:19 am »
I have had the same village wiped out three times. I have eight naturally spawned Iron Golems. The Golems stay but all of the villagers keep disappearing. I have a breeder nearby so I bring in a new batch by rail, sometimes they last a few weeks and then everyone of them is gone. The village is 60,000 blocks from spawn and I only go there during the daylight so as to avoid a zombie siege. I have also enclosed several of the villagers to protect them but they disappear as well. I'm not sure if it might be a corrupted chunk or what. It seems strange that I loose the villagers but not the Golems. I have had Ivory and Wild come and check the village and they don't see anything unusual.

« Last Edit: April 18, 2017, 12:44:08 am by jjminedogs »


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Re: Missing Villagers
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2017, 05:27:29 am »
now that you bring it up i had 3 iron Golem that i had trapped out side of the village. They had spawned before I had made there killing area. i just hadn't gotten around to killing them yet. All 3 were still there, not sure if that means anything I have now taken them out.   


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Re: Missing Villagers
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2017, 07:55:01 am »
This problem could be caused in multiple ways:

- Lack of lighting. (zombies could appear and killing all the villagers. Zombies do despawn.)
- Having villagers on transparant blocks such as: Stairs, slabs, glas, glowstone etc (mostly only bottom slabs or stairs cause this problem though). Might glitch a villager in it while moving between chunks at the wrong time.
- No roof above the villagers could also cause them being struck by lightning.

And there are more of these possible problems.

Here are some things you could try to keep the villagers safe:
- Light the area properly.
- Make it impossible for skeletons to shoot them.
- make sure that there is atleast a 2 block width wall between the villagers and other mobs. (sometimes zombies can hit a villager trough 1 block (happend to me before on a different server)
- Make sure there is a roof above the villagers. (Ussualy i would go for glass or other blocks on which Mobs can't spawn.
- I don't know if doors are necessary but i ussualy have doors within range of my villagers.


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Re: Missing Villagers
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2017, 11:30:46 am »
seems like they were milled.  But i would need to see the farm. 
My villagers stand on glass. Have solid roof and glowstone in one wall.  I dont worry about mobs because they are on glass.
The only time i had them disappear was when they turned into zombies.


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Re: Missing Villagers
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2017, 03:28:42 pm »
At one point I lost 30 villagers. I doubt they were struck by lighting or turned into zombies as the chunk was not loaded. Ivory checked the village and said the only thing killed around there in the last twenty hours was a bat. I have a villager breeder one chunk over and so far they have not been effected.


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Re: Missing Villagers
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2017, 04:36:30 pm »
I've just had this problem as well. I used unary bits villager breeder which is a pain to build and took many hours of trying and I probably lost half my hair after pulling it out after frustration. I really don't want to build it again as I might go bald.
My villager breeder villagers are also gone which is also really annoying.
I hope this can be fixed soon but I understand this is one of the disadvantages on playing on such a popular server .

~dmg :)


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Re: Missing Villagers
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2017, 01:05:00 pm »
This happedned to me on a different server. My villagers were in 2 chunks, so I logged on and some were missing. I relogged and they were back. In theory, Villagers shouldn't despawn, so I don't know.

-OPwrecker :)


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Re: Missing Villagers
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2017, 02:15:02 pm »
My villagers are safe and sound in an underwater fortress. I haven't had any problems with them disappearing. I have noticed a common theme though, at least with a couple of people in this thread...Villagers and iron Golems. Now, I don't know squat about Iron golems, but is there a possibility that they have something to do with the disappearance of your villagers?


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Re: Missing Villagers
« Reply #9 on: April 19, 2017, 02:32:20 pm »
The Iron Golems naturally spawn for every 10 or so villagers. I'm not sure if that is the case underwater. Another strange thing is if I add 10 new villagers to my village a new Golem spawns even though I still have all of the original Golems. Right now I have 12 villagers and 7 Iron Golems. So by doing the math I have had somewhere around 70 villagers in my village over time. 60 of them have disappeared without a trace.   


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Re: Missing Villagers
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2017, 04:15:16 pm »
I've been luck and haven't lost any villagers. I just follow the basic rules and keep everything light up. I also dont keep allot of villagers at any time, maybe 8 at the most. good luck!


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Re: Missing Villagers
« Reply #11 on: April 21, 2017, 04:40:00 pm »
Also if like to an additional note to the issue, make sure they are not on a chunk border as this can lead to mobs in general being lost/ despawning. If that's the case it's not a server issue but just online play in general. Thanks :)