Author Topic: Questions  (Read 3969 times)


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« on: November 13, 2018, 05:36:16 pm »
To start, thank you to all the staff that make Dogcraft as incredible as it is, I don’t want to play on any other server, and I hope no one takes this as complaining, I’m just curious.

It seems as though 1.13 was a little rushed to be released. I know there was a lot of pressure to get to 1.13 but there are major points lacking that are slightly frustrating. Such issues as: mall and endfarm specifically. I’ve asked the question of “when a couple of times” and the answer is always “soon”. Obviously I have no clue what is happening behind the scenes, but is seems (I’m just venting here, I’m sorry) like priorities are a little off. If I may explain, a super detailed and fancy spawn and end island, but nothing that is functional or serves an actual purpose.

I know this is a free server, but some people (including myself) have spent real money here. I know we do not deserve answers, and no one owes anyone anything, but I do know that information, good or bad, is always a good thing for a client base. Vague answers and no changes tend to arrouse discontent. Would it be possible to get some real definitive answers?

Again I apologize, I’m not pointing fingers at anyone, and every single member of the staff is doing an incredible job. Thank you all for everything you do.


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Re: Questions
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2018, 07:38:03 pm »
Well said Warped.  I agree 1.13 was rushed into service and was silly to do so with the removal of the previous two worlds and 1.14 around the corner.  That being said, the Mall and Endfarm were issues in Survival 2 as well.  My Flea Market operated for 4-5 months before the mall finally opened up.  The enderman farm took time, but was around a little over a month after survival 2 opened and we're just about there with Survival 3.

It was a very big issue when survival 2 entered and we didn't have a mall or Enderman farm.  One would have hoped that there would have been a change for the new world, but it did not happen.  The mall is a more important system because we can deal with normal farms for XP. 

For the priorities thing, once you get past the world being loaded, there were multiple issues that popped up as they went along and those issues probably took up valuable mall/end farm time.  So the priority seems to have been "make the server work" which is more important than "generate new content."


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Re: Questions
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2018, 07:44:50 pm »
It seems to me that maybe Ren wants to slow things down and make this more of a true minecraft experience. If you add a lot of OP stuff right away then it takes away from the experience. I agree with you that the Endfarm would be great to have. I have spent hours standing at one of my mob farms just to fix a few tools. I loved survival 1 and 2 but I also became a bit board playing on them because I had everything I could possibly want or need. I like the way the server is forcing me to think about my XP and how best to use it. I like having to go out and find what I need instead of just heading over to the mall and buying it. In time I'm sure all of the OP stuff will be back, but until then I'm just enjoying playing the game the way it was designed. This is a great server with awesome Admins, Mods and players. 


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Re: Questions
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2018, 10:30:26 pm »
I think the render distance and absence of mobs is a far greater problem at the moment than the mall. And the lack of communication on that.

I'm also a little sore (like everyone else) about the way Sur3 went live and do agree it felt rushed. I could make a massive ranting post about all that but I've buried that and I don't want to dig it back up. But it has left a base of simmering discontent which other things have just started piling up on. So normally the equivalent of playing on peaceful and making jokes about using ink and slime as the new diamond currency wouldnt phase me but in this case it is just adding to frustrations.

And yes, like you mentioned, some of us have spent money to support this server because we have enjoyed playing here. Some of us care so much because we spend a lot of our time playing here and don't want it to disappear with a week's notice. It feels frustrating finding things out at the last minute or waking up to find out the limited End went live and people in other time zones got to pick it clean for 5 hours already.

I miss the sense of community I felt on sur2 and being an active part of it, and I strongly hope it returns as sur3 matures.


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Re: Questions
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2018, 10:46:33 pm »
I think the render distance and absence of mobs is a far greater problem at the moment than the mall. And the lack of communication on that.

Enough said rite there.  Hits the 2 big issues for me.


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Re: Questions
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2018, 12:19:43 am »
I agree Garwin, render distance is a major issue. I understand that they had to cut it back to cut down on lag but everywhere you go it seems like you are on an island. I also think the one week notice was unfair. I have spent a lot of real money on this server as well. I had one week to get rid of 9 million DCD. I had already purchased most of the gadgets so now I have over 2 million claim blocks I will never be able to use up. Even after buying all the claim blocks I still lost 5 million DCD. I still love the server and enjoy playing on it, I just wish the communication was a bit better.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2018, 12:23:49 am by jjminedogs »


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Re: Questions
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2018, 12:09:41 pm »
Yes, I would agree that the mob cap and render distance are also major issues. The moral of the story though is not one or two problems that annoy a couple of people. It is the combination of bugs, glitches, and lack of amenities coupled specifically with vague or no information that my main frustration.
Also, I don’t buy Ren wanting a more authentic Minecraft experience. That is up to the player. If I don’t want to use the enderfarm or mall then I don’t have to, but the option should be there for those that want it(just using those issues as examples). But now I’m being forced to play in a way that I don’t feel is fun. I don’t have the luxury of having extended playing time, so when I log on for an hour or two and spend the entire time searching for diamonds or grinding a few zombies, that’s all I can do. My progress is slowed to almost nothing because I don’t have the time to come on and grind for hours and hours and hours.
At least before I could purchase a beacon and some specific tools and repair at the endfarm and be able to actually build and make progress, now I can’t get anything done because I’m wasting all my playing time grinding for no good reason, just to come back and grind some more. So I’m sorry, but I don’t want that kind of “true Minecraft experience”. The experience is up to the player, that’s what I’ve aleays loved about this server, but now a particular type of gameplay is being forced down my throat that I don’t want. Yes I know, “if you don’t like it then just leave”, but I don’t want to leave, I love this server and the atmosphere we have and the environment.


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Re: Questions
« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2018, 01:56:31 am »
I agree with all these statements, but in sur3 will the border be used to stop the world further out being loaded for when 1.14 comes around or will we be having another world restart. Personally that worries me as I have a really nice thing going on in sur3 and 1.14 isn't really that far away


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Re: Questions
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2018, 03:04:07 pm »
1.14 looks to be another major update that will most likely effect things in a similar way as 1.13 did. Hopefully Mojang has a good update path from 1.13 to 1.14 planned. Even after the update it will be a pain to go out 20,000 blocks or so to experience some of the new functionality. I think this is just the future of Minecraft. It already seem that by the time plugins get updated for the server and a new version is rolled out that the next version is right around the corner.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2018, 03:20:45 pm by jjminedogs »


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Re: Questions
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2018, 05:42:33 am »
So by that logic, every large update that comes around will be 2-3 iterations behind current, and that the world will constantly be reset over and over again and basically there is nothing that can be done about it.


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Re: Questions
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2018, 06:29:59 am »
On a modded server, the reality is you will always be behind the latest update. It takes time to get updated plugins, test everything and roll it out. Some updates are smaller then others and won't have as much of an impact, but anything major will require effort from a lot of people to get up and running. People need to remember that this is a free server. The Admins and Mods (who all work for free) work really hard to keep it running as best they can.


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Re: Questions
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2019, 11:37:22 am »


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Re: Questions
« Reply #12 on: January 17, 2019, 12:39:42 pm »