Author Topic: Free Server  (Read 2745 times)


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Free Server
« on: June 29, 2018, 05:42:36 am »
This post/rant is directed primarily to Ren and/or his staff. Before I found this server, I played on another server hosted by another YouTuber. Once I found dogcraft, well, that was that and it immediately became home. One of the things I absolutely love about it is that it has something for everyone. Not all of us have extra money to donate even though we would love to. Ren doesn't penalize anyone for that. He offers an amazing place where anyone can play whether they are a patron or not. He does offer an additional option to his patreons which is only fair and right. Yet another YouTuber is shutting down his server only to restart it only for his sponsors. Is there a legitimate reason other than just trying to suck money out of people or punish those who don't have it? It is blatantly obvious unbelievable hours have been invested to make dogcraft what it is. I would just like to know if there is a legitimate reason, other than greed, that causes these other YouTubers to restrict their servers to patrons/supporters/donators only. If there is a reason that actually makes sense, then I'll shut up. Either way, a massive thank you to Ren and his staff for providing a place where we can all be together and have fun regardless of our financial situations.


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Re: Free Server
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2018, 04:52:40 pm »
Well, i can't answer your questions, but i agree Ren is doing a great job.


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Re: Free Server
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2018, 03:03:56 pm »

---I do not represent RenDog or any other youtuber---

I like you really enjoy RenDog's server. I have found the community here very nice and welcoming. The server provides me with lots of joy and fun. i think any free server policed by the good folk on Hermitcraft would be the same.

That being said, free is never free. I work in the IT industry and know that there are real costs associated with maintaining any server or service made available to the public. Those costs include buying the server, monthly internet connection, maintenance and service on the hardware and so on. So I think we all have to be aware that there is hard work and real cost to Rendog or any other youtuber to offer a "free" server.

I say THANK YOU very much. Thanks too to all the volunteers who are monitoring as well.

Ren may be fortunate to have some of these things donated to him. This would keep his cost lower but we are not guaranteed that this server will always be free. If Ren cannot pay for it, the server will go away. He could grow old and grey and decide we are too much of a hassle. Lightning could strike his hosting facility and erase our Dogcraft world from existence.  Crap happens.

Each of us who are not patreons are indebted to those who pay. We could not play unless someone pays.

THANK YOU to all the patreons. You are awesome.

I am just throwing out my perspective on this. I can tell from your post that you have very heart felt feelings. It is a loss to build something that gets taken away. Just remember this too could go away and Ren or any other youtuber should not be blamed to harshly for it. They have to pay their bills.

I will continue to enjoy the server and I hope you do too. I do tho, keep in the back of my mind, this could be gone one day. I also think about becoming a Patreon. Something that just says Thanks in a real way for all Ren's work and his team.

I cannot say it enough, Thank you all! Everyone who works to see that this server is up, safe, and fun. Thank you.


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Re: Free Server
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2018, 12:03:55 pm »
Perhaps I was too harsh about others who can't seem to find a way, for whatever reason. I do understand there are costs involved as most "businesses" have some level of overhead. I just feel that on the scales with selfishness/greed on one side and selfLESSness on the other, all too often the wrong one is the most full. There are, however, probably others out there who would love to be able to offer the same to all of their fans and simply can't make it happen due to lack of finances and/or a good support team.

As for disappearing, yes, that is always a possibility simply because there are too many factors involved. It could be a server getting corrupted, an update gone wrong, a hundred different reasons. I do understand that all too well. Some of us just might have chosen a newer snapshot without backing up their single player world. NOT saying I've done it. Just saying some of us MIGHT have the other day, maybe. :) Things happen.

Thank you Ren and team for everything you do.