Author Topic: Achievements & Quests Update Suggestions  (Read 7182 times)


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Achievements & Quests Update Suggestions
« on: December 05, 2017, 07:25:00 pm »
Hello Cyberdogs!
We are currently looking to update our quests/achievements on the server and are looking for community input and suggestions on some fun new tasks to accomplish on our server.

Any ideas are wonderful; from rendog related achievements (ex. Mine 64 Renium, Slay Edna, etc.) or just general minecraft achievements in the lines of the custom hermit ones for another example.

If you have any ideas for some fun new taks for our players to complete, please share them here. Keep this to mainly suggestions, and not mass discussion so I'll be able to easily find and take into account any and all ideas.


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Re: Achievements & Quests Update Suggestions
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2017, 08:57:45 pm »
I always preferred the more novel quests over the 'get this much stuff quests', and my favourite quests on Sur1 were always the exploring ones. The 'grind' of it was much more pleasant for me, getting to check out the landscape while running around and sometimes finding cool builds rather than staring at a crafting table. Theres almost endless places to travel too, I don't think they have to be server important areas like the mall or stream town were, just nice completed builds and things would be fun (for me at least).
Edit: Remembered there is a bunch of places that not many have found in spawn

My 2c ^^
« Last Edit: December 07, 2017, 08:44:16 pm by darparniox »


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Re: Achievements & Quests Update Suggestions
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2017, 11:07:42 am »

* Visit Ren on Survival 2 (Get to the statue in Havanna)
* Take a ride! (Ride at least 5k blocks on a rail line - distant travelled by minecart = 5k)
* Storyline based quests. (For example: "The world traveler" visit several bigger settlements (spawn, havanna, akakare and other cities + the mall(Tenors plots/the mall when it get's out) (Other example: "Adventure Time" visit all possible biomes on the server.) Or make up a story (or let Ren make the story) and have quests based on that so the player can experience the story itself

if any more ideas come up, I'll post them here!



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Re: Achievements & Quests Update Suggestions
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2017, 12:42:08 pm »
I like the idea of more advancements/quests.

I know a few advancements from the playstation edition who seemed nice. for instance the "travel x blocks by rail achievement is awesome, and could be added to the server, but then maybe expanded to the nth degree, as we have a lotta rails on the servers?

I like the idea of lore type advancements as well.
or maybe a quest to travel about 1000 blocks on boat with a guardian in the backseat? (just spitballing, no idea if that could actually be registered)

An easy copy could be the rendog advancements out of the hermit advancements, as those are wel crafted already.

I'll keep thinking about it..


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Re: Achievements & Quests Update Suggestions
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2017, 03:23:56 pm »
Quest "Mine 1000 diorite" and give it to an NPC called Quasi_1987 stationed at my base! Payment, 2500 dcd? :)

My entire base is diorite themed, simply cause I can! It started as a joke, but i'm always interested in trying out new building styles, instead of being a Lemming and follow the do's and don't of some populair youtubers.

So earn DCD's and support the growth of my base! :P
« Last Edit: December 06, 2017, 04:15:02 pm by Quasi_1987 »


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Re: Achievements & Quests Update Suggestions
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2017, 03:49:20 pm »
My quest ideas:
1: submit 5 heads, 3000 dcd
2: Donate and anvil to the enderbender at the end farm, 1000dcd
3: Own a 64 stack of each color of glazed terracotta, 3-10 k dcd
4: Own a 64 stack of each color of stained glass, 3-10 k dcd
5: Own a 64 stack of each color of concrete, 3-10 k dcd
6: Submit 64 of each type of dirt


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Re: Achievements & Quests Update Suggestions
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2017, 03:54:30 pm »
One More :)
Dye sheep all of the colors for idk maybe 500dcd?


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Re: Achievements & Quests Update Suggestions
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2017, 06:29:56 pm »
Cowboy - own 10 of every rideable mob
Rhinestone Cowboy - own 10/16/whatever sets of diamond horse armor
Inter dimensional - have claims in the over world, Nether, and End
Survivalist - have two of every passive mob in the game
A Head-y Dilemma - own 5 “real” (killed by charged creeper) mob heads from skellebutts/zombies/creepers. Or all three.
Guildhall - have flags from (not taken but made to look like) ~insert number here~ cities/castle groups/player groups like the possibly-forthcoming Traveller’s Guild
Flower Child - have one of every flower in the game

I would also love more lore-based quests, but I feel there’s more lore on Sur1 just due to age. It would also be very cool if there was an easier way to get the “How did we get here” achievement. I don’t know how - maybe via spawn egg for shulkers- but something.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2017, 07:50:11 pm by AtollaBell »


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Re: Achievements & Quests Update Suggestions
« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2017, 07:29:37 pm »
Coming from single-player, multiplayer is brand new to me.  How about some quests to encourage social interactions?

Neighborly visitor - visit (x) other players' claims/builds
A Helping Hand - Gift (x) items to (x) players [not sure if this is logically possible]
House Party - have a group of (x) players at your claim at the same time
Shopping Spree - buy from (x) players' shops
Busy Business - have sold items in your shop(s) to (x) players [passive]
Landlord - subdivide a claim to (x) players [potentially a lower number to accommodate more]


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Re: Achievements & Quests Update Suggestions
« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2017, 02:26:03 pm »
I agree with Skeleton the best quests encourage you to travel round the server.
Getting people to visit places like Spawn, Havana, Akkara, [0, 0], etc are great ways to introduce them into the server.
Less interesting quests ask you to craft thousands of items, which are okay, but lose their novelty after awhile.

Here's a quest idea anyway, for fun:
• Dogception: Find and tame a wolf and rename it 'craft'!


bless you :P
« Last Edit: December 09, 2017, 02:29:02 pm by William »


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Re: Achievements & Quests Update Suggestions
« Reply #10 on: December 12, 2017, 07:45:05 pm »
I noticed recently that the quests concerning the Fizzy Drink Dispenser shulkers has disappeared and I don’t  know if that’s a glitch or what, but I’d love it if those were brought back.


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Re: Achievements & Quests Update Suggestions
« Reply #11 on: December 16, 2017, 01:21:23 pm »
Make the cookie quest shift clickable :P  (My poor mouse hand lol)

turn in quests are always fun as they force you take time to collect items.

exploration quests to show off some of the amazing builds we have would be neat.  We are a community after all so seeing others builds would be neat.

Maybe a story driven quest that leads you around spawn to get you more antiquated with the local of spots there.  (Surv 2 spawn is amazing but there is really no reason to stick around and check it out.)

something based on the mini games would be neat. win x amount of UHC, reach levelx in the mob arena

a reason other than personal want to go attempt say the parkour stuffs. 

Get each skill to a certain level in mcmmo

claim a plot in creative.

I feel some quests should give you a direction to run with, hence the parkour, mcmmo, and creative ideas above.  Even if you do not play on these regularly it at least gives you a reason to check them out and try something different (who knows you may like it)


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Re: Achievements & Quests Update Suggestions
« Reply #12 on: December 18, 2017, 04:01:03 pm »
Another small idea for a random quest:

* Sheep Shearer: Hand in 64 of each wool color with an NPC


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Re: Achievements & Quests Update Suggestions
« Reply #13 on: December 18, 2017, 06:18:14 pm »
It would be cool if there is an advancement for distance traveled with an animal or villager in a boat or with a lead.

Create a quest called "All the Food" and have every consumable in your inventory, including rotten flesh / puffer fish / spider eye.

"Lady in the lake" quest, where you throw in a tool or piece of armor, and it can potentially give you good fortune (buff) or bad luck (darkness / hunger) for a period of time.

Thanks for your time!


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Re: Achievements & Quests Update Suggestions
« Reply #14 on: January 23, 2018, 04:50:09 am »
Ups, just stumbled upon this thread. I made another one relating your request. Sry for that.