Author Topic: Travellers Guild  (Read 4533 times)


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Travellers Guild
« on: November 17, 2017, 07:26:39 pm »
TLDR: I'm dabbling with the idea to create a guild for explorers and adventurers. The guild would supply these people with resources to be able to explore, and in return they can perform missions from a mission board. this can be Mapping, mob wrangling, biome triangulating etc. The guild will provide the server public with outposts in the wildernis (e.g. not near big cities)with maps of the surrounding area, interesting biomes etc. -What do you guys think?

So whilst I was exploring so i could map out for the map of the server in Havana, and old idea popped up. The idea was to support people who don't necessarily want to build, but enjoy exploring. But also to use those people to provide the server with services. Making maps would be one of them.

My idea is to make outposts in uninhabited area's/ lightly populated area's. These outpost would be usable for all the server, but depending on who you are, you can do different things. If you are not in the guild, you will find a map of the immediate area, and the ability to buy copies of that map. It will also have a board with coördinates of points of interest (biomes, player bases etc.), and a stable with horses in it. You also have the ability to place a exploration request in a chest ( find a dungeon, or mineshaft etc.)
Travellers (aka the guildies), will be able to find food and combat supplies, facilities for enchanting, the ability to take up exploration requests, and of course horses. Completing requests will obviously be rewarding

Each outpost should be about 1000 blocks away from eachother, placed as much as in a grid as possible.

My hope is that, besides providing a new rewarding way to enjoy the game, it will be fun to run around, and suddenly find a travellers outpost and find all kinds of information about the surroundings, so you can make an informed decision on what/where to do/go next.

Of course, i don't want to step on anyones toes here, or do something that would annoy others, so i'd like to know what your thoughts are about this. Do you think this could work? Should i change things to this idea? should i elaborate a bit more? Please, any feedback is welcome, and needed.




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Re: Travellers Guild
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2017, 11:46:51 pm »
I love the idea!
Still a lot of questions about the details, off course.
On the survival 1 world a couple of SRN- and NTN Stations felt a bit like outposts, when they were build in uninhabited areas. Each SRN Station also had a map of the local area. Also, the stations were placed approx. 1k-2k blocks apart, so that seems also a bit similar. I can imagine that in sur2 there'll also be quite a few SRN/NTN Stations that'll feel similar; like an outpost. The big difference of course is that the SRN/NTN Station are on a network of guided routes.

Would it be good to coordinate the locations of both your outposts and the SRN Stations?
Perhaps the outposts could also be included on the SRN/NTN map? As a kind of solitary/unconnected "stations"?
Perhaps an SRN Station could have similar features as an outpost?

Stuff to discuss more...


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Re: Travellers Guild
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2017, 03:47:01 am »
I love the idea of a travelers/explorers guild, and hope that you can get these set up around the world.

If you want any help with setting these up I would love to help donate materials/build the outposts mentioned. If you do set these up, would it be possible to set up a guild hall in my city in progress?

Love the idea, and I hope you come up with some more soon.


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Re: Travellers Guild
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2017, 02:37:37 pm »
aye this is a really cool idea.  I would love to assist with materials, building etc.  please feel free to message me with info or contact me ingame when/if you require assistance. 


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Re: Travellers Guild
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2017, 09:21:54 am »
I can imagine that in sur2 there'll also be quite a few SRN/NTN Stations that'll feel similar; like an outpost. The big difference of course is that the SRN/NTN Station are on a network of guided routes.

Would it be good to coordinate the locations of both your outposts and the SRN Stations?
Perhaps the outposts could also be included on the SRN/NTN map? As a kind of solitary/unconnected "stations"?
Perhaps an SRN Station could have similar features as an outpost?

Stuff to discuss more...

Thanks for replying Edo,
This had crossed my mind as well, but i'm glad with the confirmation of similarity of the SRN Stations with my idea.

I'm absolutely for coördination between SRN/NTN, and i feel it'd be redundant to have a Travellers Outpost within a radius of about 1000 blocks from a Station (or a big city for that matter). However, complementing the stations with the services provided in Travellers outposts, is completely fine by me. to be clear, i think only the public services should be added (map of surrounding area, PoI Board, stables) as the Travellers themselves can always take a train to a guildhall, which Hopefully can be built in several cities.

If you do set these up, would it be possible to set up a guild hall in my city in progress?

I would be honored to. Guild halls should have a little more functionality to them then outposts have, in my opinion, so i'm still thinking about the possibilities there.

All in all, thanks to your response i've decided to go ahead with my plan, and I am slowly working on the planning stage right now. So it might still take a little time before you guys see outposts pop up.

On the bright side, that gives you more then enough time to contact me with your ideas on how this should look. I'm always open to them. I'll try and keep you guys posted on the progress through this thread.

Whish me luck  :P


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Re: Travellers Guild
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2017, 12:19:59 pm »
I'm currently in progress of building a guild hall of sorts in my city. If you would like, i can easily say it's a travelers guild outpost and we can start working on where the main guild hall will be.

If you need any help building or material wise, feel free to contact me if you see me in game.


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Re: Travellers Guild
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2017, 05:11:24 pm »
I love this idea and would like to take part.

I think 1000 blocks between each outpost puts them too close together, you'll get huge number of outposts which will reduce the number of visitors etc per outpost. I'd suggest at least a 2000 block separation. This will reduce the number of outposts allowing more effort, resources, visitors, etc per outpost and the distance between them is still crossable in 1 day on foot (walking speed of 4.27 blocks per second * 600 = 2562 blocks per 10 minute day).
Even at a 5000 block separation they'd only be a few days apart in the more open biomes. Could be worth making them more frequent in places like Jungle and Extreme Hills biomes due to the slower rate of travel.

The grid pattern is good, To make them even easier to find I suggest lining the grid up with multiples of 1000 on both the X and Z axis.

If there is a point on the grid where an outpost is not needed (ie because there is a town with a guild hall in the next valley) I'd put down a small "mile marker" with a sign showing the location of the nearest outpost.

How do you think the look of the outposts should be?
1) All identical: Very easy to recognise but going to get dull, also it's going to be hard to find a design that looks good in all biomes.
2) Same Layout with local materials: Still repetitive and easy to recognise but will fit in better with the biomes.
3) Similar layout modified to fit the location with a minimum of terraforming: Will look even better but may need a Guild banner to be easily recognisable.
4) Layout is variable but has some common themes: Should look good but less continuity between builds, needs clear markings to be recognisable.
5) Layout is however the builder wants: No continuity between builds, absolutely needs clear markings to be recognisable.
In any case it would be good to have a guild banner.

Do you plan on the facilities being the same at outposts? Or a mixture of smaller outposts with maps, basic food & gear etc and larger ones with full enchanting rooms & plenty of stuff?

If this takes off I’d like to put a guild hall in Wanigoora (assuming OPwrecker is okay with it).

Will this be just in the over world or will it include the nether and/or the end?


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Re: Travellers Guild
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2017, 06:39:32 pm »
I've waited with responding until i could give a bit more information about the time schedule.
Currently, at the time of writing, my dcd balance is at 123k dcd, getting close to be able to buy a diamond home. Which i consider crucial for maintaining the outposts with stock.

My goal is to have the first outpost up and running before christmas, which will be taking the most time, given the reasons listed below.

Shadowcrafter had a lot of good idea's, most of which i'm actually going to do, to summarize a little:

1000 blocks is indeed a bit to dense for outposts. Because i want it on a grid, and i like the idea of coörporating with the great survival map, i suggest making them ~2000 blocks apart. This can still seem dense, and i might come back on it, but only after having tried it out with a few outposts first to be sure. I'd like each outpost to be around the center of each fully expanded (1:16) map, if possible.

Also Mile markers are a nice addition, and i'm fully up for it.

About the outposts, here's how i'd like them to be:

Same model outpost, so it's recognizable that it is an outpost, but i'd love the building be made of materials found in the biomes you can find on the map where the outpost is placed. Preferably made with materials that are replenishable.
It will definitely have a guild banner, which will need to be made for the guild in the future.
I'd like the facilities in each outpost be similar, which is kinda needed as the structures are going to have the same model. Having enchanting tables in each could be rather excessive, so maybe it's better to relay that to the guild halls in the bigger populated area's.

I'm open for the idea of outposts in the nether, but i'm not sure if it will function properly, at the very least it will have to have other services then the overworld outposts, as they are more focused on maps

I'll let you know more soon!


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Re: Travellers Guild
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2017, 10:25:04 pm »
If you would like any help with either the construction of guilds or the banner making, let me know in game or send me a message.

"If there are specific locations you want me to set up a guild at, let me know what the style is going to be and i'll work on it."


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Re: Travellers Guild
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2017, 10:18:09 am »
I've finished the basic build. It's very basic with basic materials. It's meant for the builder to add upon, or play mwith the materials. as long as the basic shape remains the same

The basic shape of the building resembles a compass. so a circular central building of 19x19, with a tower of 5x5 in the center. with 4 rectangular buildings of equal length sticking out of it. The roofs of the rectangular buildings are basic A-frames, and of the central building gradual sloping slabs.

I'm going to build the first outpost at the center of map #10 of the great survival map. as soon as it's finished, i will give the coördinates here so people can check it out and provide feedback.


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Re: Travellers Guild
« Reply #10 on: December 04, 2017, 09:32:47 pm »
The travellers' guild idea sounds like a wonderful idea. It sounds like the sort of thing that could reward players for exploring the biomes, and I could imagine being really wonderful to stumble across one. Let me know if you need any resources or help developing the travellers buildings (looking a little bare at the moment imo, but I do think they need to be somewhat simple)



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Re: Travellers Guild
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2017, 07:40:37 pm »
I would love to help explore and map out area's for the cause. This def give's an opportunity to see the world, without the need for crazy inventory space for stones.

I was wondering if you thought of making dyed armor for those currently exploring, or maybe for ranks within the guild.

Thanks for the opportunity!


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Re: Travellers Guild
« Reply #12 on: December 19, 2017, 03:02:21 pm »
I wouldl love for my house to be a guild area! it is a fortress modeled after an end city but like the capital end city


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Re: Travellers Guild
« Reply #13 on: January 06, 2018, 10:27:18 am »
Unfortunatly, i've come to the conclusion that i'm not able to put in the time to make a project like this work. I still like the idea, but i simply won't be able to combine with my real life atm.

If anyone wants to take it over, you're more then welcome to do so.




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Re: Travellers Guild
« Reply #14 on: January 08, 2018, 06:01:02 am »
I am considering doing prebuilt adventures.  If i do the travelers guilds would be very cool to add into that if you do not mind.