
Should there be a newspaper on the server?

Yes, im fine paying for the work of others
7 (50%)
Yes, but im only interested in the mall part.
1 (7.1%)
Yes, but im only interested in the build part.
1 (7.1%)
Yes, but it has to be free.
3 (21.4%)
No, it would unbalace the economy.
1 (7.1%)
No, we don't need it.
1 (7.1%)

Total Members Voted: 0

Author Topic: Newspaper for Survival  (Read 3170 times)


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Newspaper for Survival
« on: July 24, 2017, 11:45:16 pm »
Hey everyone,
a friend of mine uru111 and I are thinking about making a weekly newspaper on the server.
The Idea behind it, came from our endless looking in the mall for offers. We cant find the right shops, or if we look for rare items we are running around endlessly
So we thuoght, a "newspaper" with every offer and its spot could help.
Additionaly we thought, a builds of the weeks list with locations and travel route, like "north of eastern station 400 blocks away", to be a opportunity for the community to show of their build to the others.
Announcment of any events and projects that are planed, is thinkable, too.
Maybe even recruitment offers.
Or other roleplay stuff.

There exists two questions now
First of all, to the Mods, is it ok to do someting like that or will it shift the economy with showing every price on any offer.
And the second is for all of you, the poll.

And lastly if there is an ok from the mods and an clear voting result. I will discuss the details about struckture of the team and the contend, eiter with th mods per pm or open at the forums, but that have the mods to decide.
Thanks for participating,
Uru222 (aka. Jinja_Forbi)


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Re: Newspaper for Survival
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2017, 10:09:26 am »
It sounds like a good idea to have a price list available for the mall, but I'm trying to get my head around a problem:
How is the newspaper going to reach the other players?

If the newspaper is free you could post a thread on the forum, but that would mean a lot of work (there are a lot of shops with a lot of items). Imo that would be too little reward for your hard work.

If you make people pay for the newspaper in single issues, it would have to be based on people being online at the same time as you, ruling out people that aren't online at the same time as you guys.

Or with a subscription based newspaper you are reliant on good fate that people will pay their weekly fee if you mail it to them in any which way. (And what if people are off for the week, do they still have to pay for a newspaper?) My point being that it woul be a lot of administation work to keep track of this.

Or it would have to be a written book in game that people can buy, which poses the problem of it being copyable and people can pass it along or sell their copy to others.

So I would like to stress that before you submit yourselfs to this rather large task; consider the logistic side of it again.


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Re: Newspaper for Survival
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2017, 03:59:40 pm »
I think it would be a good idea but I agree with Aeghu, the distributing system seems like it would be difficult to manage. If you think you could handle it though, I do have a question, how much would it cost? 100DCD per issue? 500? 1000? (keep in mind the fact that if you use books you need a lot of paper, leather, and ink. but if you can get a lot of people to pay for the Newspaper then it doesn't need to cost as much.) one of the problems I see if you have a subscription is people may not have enough DCD to pay, or may not be online and able to pay. because of that, I think to have a newspaper stand like the ones you see near banks and post offices where you stick in the money and it spits out a single issue would be the best idea if you can find a way to deal with bootleg Newspapers. of course, that would be a problem even if you had the subscription.
if you do make it free then posting on the forum would be the best idea because then you still get money from posting, and people can send feedback easily.


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Re: Newspaper for Survival
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2017, 06:51:06 pm »
Distribution I think is simple, just set up a shop with books for sale for a set amount, so people can come and go as they please, and you just change out the inventory weekly. What I see as the huge issue is keeping track of everyones inventory and prices, that is a huge huge undertaking. And likely will not pay off for the work you'll have to put in. Even in the long run it may start off great but it will likely drop off.


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Re: Newspaper for Survival
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2017, 11:47:19 pm »
I made a map of the mall, using the maps when chosing a plot to rent. We will use this map for adesses in the Newspaper if it comes out. If you find any mistakes please message me. Currently is the idea for distibution to make it two parted. The first part with the offers wil be posted on the forums as a topic. and the second part with roleplay contend and some special events from us or the community will be, sold as a written book at the mall.
Further I am thinking of caling the newspaper: "The weekly Dog Whistle".


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Re: Newspaper for Survival
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2017, 02:04:24 pm »
Further I am thinking of caling the newspaper: "The weekly Dog Whistle".

I like that name!

Maybe an idea: sell it as books in game (i believe you can make non-copyable books). In the book show a url to a google doc or whatever. In the Google doc you can then use rich markup and media (good layout, images, movies, etc.).
You can make a discord server for players who have a subscription to your newspaper and post the url to every new release there.


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Re: Newspaper for Survival
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2017, 10:13:15 pm »
This is a great idea, as a sponsor I'd be willing to pay 500 DCD per issue (though it should cost +-100 DCD for regular players) but more preferably would like to work on the newspaper team
