Author Topic: Five Years of Dogcraft  (Read 5572 times)


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Re: Five Years of Dogcraft - A chance to win DCDs
« Reply #15 on: July 22, 2017, 10:54:34 pm »
Wow - Five years? I find that extraordinary, to think that this community has existed for so long. Many people have come and go, but it's great to see the community continually grow and my favourite memory from when I first joined the site was by far founding Lackria. I first joined the site after Ren featured me on the Dogolith and I first joined the server on a stream back when Stream Town was under construction.

It was a time when the SRN was at it's infancy, with the Spawn Station just having been built. I took it upon myself, after a couple of weeks to rejoin the server and travel a line to setup a station along TTIR1's old line to his base and I built a town off the side of the rickety old rail with the help of SENsationals01 after asking for help in the chat for the first time. The rest is history, as they say - with many great memories such as the various Elytra Races I hosted, SRN line construction, appointing the co-mayors of town (special mentions: MrAnonymous, TraktorMC), Cyberdog Events Committee Construction and of course the base tour of Lackria with Rendog.

Overall, I think Dogcraft holds the best from when I started playing Minecraft in the summer of 2012; there's just nothing like running a community and watching it grow and I thank Ren, Matti and the staff for keeping it that way. I look forward to the future of the server with the 1.12 world approaching on the horizon presenting a fresh start for many. Today may be a sad day with Ren announcing the end of his survival world, but it's a great time to remember how he has created a community to remember, for the future to come! :)



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Re: Five Years of Dogcraft - A chance to win DCDs
« Reply #16 on: July 23, 2017, 07:31:16 pm »
My Favorite memory was not too long ago when Ren posted a video on it and at least 100 people were on at all times.


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Re: Five Years of Dogcraft - A chance to win DCDs
« Reply #17 on: July 24, 2017, 09:46:12 am »
My favourite memory is from the first few minutes I was on the server. I'd spent weeks looking for a new server to call home, after my previous server community was dismantled.

I'd registered on the web site, linked my account, and joined the Discord server. I had just walked through that long underwater tunnel at Spawn, and was reading the rules, when I heard the following:

"Hello, new player Brianetta! My name is Abigail, and I'm president of the Cyberdog Events Committee. Welcome to the server!"

That, right there, is the moment I knew I'd found a server with a strong, friendly community, and decided to stay.


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Re: Five Years of Dogcraft - A chance to win DCDs
« Reply #18 on: July 24, 2017, 09:52:54 am »
I started watching Rendog when he started on Hermitcraft Season 4. And the idea that a vastly liked Youtuber comes from the same country I do is amazing. Ren has a lot of derps and funny moments. And with Season 5 of Hermitcraft he gets technical as well. And I like it.

My favorite memory of Rendog was when he visited South Africa, and he shows all the South African snacks they take for padkos, and they have a pack of Simba Ms Balls Chutney Flavor. That is the Only Simba chips I eat and to see peopel coming back and not forgetting their roots makes me so happy.

Keep it up Ren :D :D


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Re: Five Years of Dogcraft
« Reply #19 on: August 10, 2017, 04:05:44 pm »
Thank you everyone who submitted! The contest is closed, but the thread will remain open (and renamed) in case anyone else wants to tell their favorite stories!
Random selection winners(my husband picked pieces of paper with names on the backs)
-  ivorysnape
-  skelleton
-  William
-  _edo

You five should have a notification of your DCD prize!

Thank you all for a wonderful five years. Whether you've been here the entire time or are new, we couldn't be where we are with out you! <3 <3

« Last Edit: August 12, 2017, 02:37:19 pm by LilWolfie »


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Re: Five Years of Dogcraft
« Reply #20 on: August 10, 2017, 04:50:48 pm »
Thank your husband for randomly selecting me. Also I just hope we can make a lot more beautiful memories in the next 5 years as well!


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Re: Five Years of Dogcraft
« Reply #21 on: August 14, 2017, 01:41:35 pm »
Oww, thank you! What a sweet surprise, actually winning something  :D
Thanks everyone for being such a nice community.
Here's to many more years!
Cheers, _e


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Re: Five Years of Dogcraft
« Reply #22 on: October 06, 2017, 03:46:26 am »
Meeting Chibi, and also for everything he has done for


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Re: Five Years of Dogcraft
« Reply #23 on: November 04, 2017, 10:03:12 pm »
I have been on the server for a while but some of my fondest memories are during server events,  The xmas event last year where we got to build in small plots with Ren (still have a home set there for nostalgia)  the day of flight was a blast and the first large event i got to partake in and man was it a blast.  We have a great community here full of awesome amazing people.


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Re: Five Years of Dogcraft
« Reply #24 on: December 08, 2017, 07:31:28 pm »
Favorite memory; july 2013. Was in the midst of a youtube addiction watching rendog's minecraft survival seasons 2 & 3.

Joined the 1.6.4 server and Mattigins was the first face I met. He was so friendly and helpful! Proceeded to get killed by spiders numerous times on my first night.

I never had quite the gear, luck or riches as on other maps, but that map was my first SMP experience and was the most fun for me. Minecraft 1.6.4 was significantly more difficult than it is now, that was part of the fun.


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Re: Five Years of Dogcraft
« Reply #25 on: December 08, 2017, 08:39:51 pm »
I bought minecraft for my daughter and got hooked after playing with her. The dogcraft server is the 1st multiplayer server I played on without her. On my 1st login to survival 1 I was blown away by spawn town and I mentioned how amazing everything looks in chat. Rooky Bubbles replied and ended up giving me a tour. A few days later he stopped by my starter base and liked my style so we teamed up and he supplied materials while I cranked out the build. Being a multiplayer n00b, I built a large sky base between 3 other bases in Lakria which basically crowded everyone out (my bad). The mods mediated and I talked to the neighbors and everybody was super cool but Rooky and I were really nervous about having to tear it down for a couple of days there.

TLDR; I made some friends and caused some drama as soon as I joined the server.


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Re: Five Years of Dogcraft
« Reply #26 on: December 10, 2017, 02:58:22 pm »
my favorite memory was when I was banned (no this is not a joke) I got to meet some mods and realize how really nice they are. Also when I saw Ren die in a uhc then avenged his killer and ended up with Ren's head XD

One of my favorites was when I killed two mods in a UHC that was redemption for when I got teamed by Ren and Iscall together

I combined your two posts, legowar. Please be careful not to doublepost.  - LilWolfie
« Last Edit: December 21, 2017, 05:36:06 pm by SantaWolfie »