Author Topic: For Ren  (Read 3805 times)


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For Ren
« on: April 01, 2017, 10:42:09 pm »
Rendog, i'm not mad at you, i'm just disappointed. I have been a loyal and full time viewer of your channel until around Season 1 Episode 14 of your Minecraft Survival Let's Play. At around the middle of season 4, i started to drift away, that's bound to happen. But just recently, i decided to  come back, see how things were going for you and i was extremely disappointed. I know you have no clue who i am but i know you as if you were my brother. Some of my fondest memories were of me being 12 years old and rushing back home from school to hop onto my dads computer just to see if my favourite YouTuber had uploaded another video, a video which contained all the stories of his adventurous childhood, the emotional connections toward his loved ones, ones that truly enhanced my imagination seeing yours at work through your building and lore, and now, you've changed. You stopped being you, you've gotten the success you've always dreamed of but you've gone corporate. I am more than happy for you Ren, seeing you grow and evolve has been a true privilege, but now, I don't even know if i know you anymore. Season 5 Episode 33 of the series that made your channel, the series that thousands of people from all over the world enjoyed and bonded over, the sereis that built you up from the ground and put you on a shiny pedastal in all of our hearts and, you just stop? With no explanation? After all we've been through, through your breakup, through grannydogs passing? I mean, how could you do that to us? To me? You'll never know how much you helped me personally Ren, that cannot be expressed in words. I sincerely hope you find get back onto your path, i hope you find your way again. I love you rendog <3


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Re: For Ren
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2017, 11:11:36 pm »
Rip. Im with you there though, he's stopped being him and all he cares about is Hermitcrat and his (in my opinion) silly hermitron game, he's claimed he doesn't have time to record singleplayer or to upload things like base tours recorded half a year ago, it's just NOT true, it feels like we've been lied to, not having enough time to record singleplayer? You have time to record hermit stuff so why not sp? And if you're to busy to .ake videos just upload the 20 odd base tours you recorded ages ago? My point is I hope Ren goes back to his survival anx make his channel interesting again.

I've lost nearly all interest in Ren and I hope he returns, because till then, I don't feel like I can call myself a cyberdog

~ 2less


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Re: For Ren
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2017, 12:29:02 am »
My friends, what has led you astray from the path we walk?

It would seem that you are in need of guidance.

To start with your view, it is indeed sad to see that Rendog, the one we have followed all this time, has begun to drift away from what we know. At the moment he joined the Hermitcraft team, I too was saddened by his lack of survival content. The world he created, one so rich in history, was losing its place.

I had resented the Hermitcraft series, and indeed, I had even gone so far as to not watch the content.

However, something felt wrong in that action.

Was it right to deny that which Rendog found enjoyable, that which made him happy?

For to deny him that happiness is to deny him as a person, to acknowledge him only as a medium for ones own happiness. And this is not the way a community is to act.

It is fine if you do not enjoy the current state of things, but to relinquish your place as a cyberdog is, perhaps, a bit extreme.

I emplore you to give Rendog the chance he deserves.

I became a Cyberdog to support him in his endevours, and to ensure that what he creates, he enjoys doing so.

I became a Cyberdog to be a part of a community that shares these values, that will stand beside him, no matter the storm.

So tell me, why did you become one?
« Last Edit: April 02, 2017, 09:22:27 am by Kijushi »


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Re: For Ren
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2017, 02:19:01 am »
Fellow Cyberdogs,

First and foremost, I agree with everything Kijushi said. I could try to reiterate, but he has stated it far more eloquently than I could.

I understand. Survival was, and continues to be, my favorite series that he has created. I, too, was confused by his sudden stop to the series late last year. How could he do this to his survival series? So many questions and no answers from Ren on his channel.

Please know that others have asked and Ren has discussed it during a stream in February. The following straw poll resulted from the frank conversation he had. Feel free to vote:

He again touched on the subject during his announcement about his vacation:

I hope that you will choose to support Ren and be here for the community no matter his choice.




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Re: For Ren
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2017, 02:23:14 am »
I look to this situation in the same kind of position as you. Almost to an exact. I started watching Ren 4 years ago and he in some ways has given me everything I have now. I also see the change. A lost of who I once saw as a father figure, or an older brother. But I would never ask him to change, because at least this way he is getting the money he needs. I learned the hard way that sometimes you'll watch the ones you love change right in front of you and it's probably for the best that you just smile though everything that hurts and accept the new. Because most of the time the old is gone. If I'm honest I'm just happy he is still making videos, I don't know where I would be right now if he wasn't. Sometimes you just need to adapt...... He has to eat too. 


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Re: For Ren
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2017, 06:00:19 am »
I understand where you're coming from. I also felt concerned that Ren is taking a different direction than what he used to do. Sometimes I do also miss the way he used to be. However, much like any other person, people do change, and that's not a bad thing. Ren's at a stage where he has the time and resources to be able to try new things and meet new people. He's learning new things and he shares every moment with us as he goes along. I feel that though the "Old Ren" is not right up front and center, doesn't mean he's left us, or that he doesn't care, because he does care, everything he's done, he's done to give us a place to also try new things, meet new people and even grow ourselves.

Personally, I also think of Ren as a brother, he's always been there when I needed it most. Telling his stories and teaching important lessons through them that have helped me through hard times. His video's often made my night memorable, and I will always be appreciative of what he, and the community he created, have given to me. As such, I don't want to stand in the way of his growth as a content creator. We can't make him stay in one place, if we did that, its no longer about Ren's dream, its about us, and that's unfair.

I've continued to be a member of this community for 4 years because I believe in this community and Ren. When I first joined, I was afraid. I knew no one and I was afraid that no one would want to know me. That I would be kicked aside like I had been many times before, but Ren and the other cyberdogs made me feel at home, like I had a place with them. I became a mod because I believe that each and every person that logs into that server deserves to know that they are welcome here, and that they are a part of our (really strange) family.

 He may not be the same as he was back then, but he's still the derpy noob we know and love and I know that Ren is proud of the community that has grown with him.

I wish you all a good day


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Re: For Ren
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2017, 06:44:21 am »
I agree with all of the other comments. I miss the old survival videos. Ren has become a much bigger Youtuber over the last year and needs to do what is best for him and his channel. I do hope that at some point he returns to Rentopia but until then we all have this great server and community that he has built. I think that it is important to remember that this was all started because of the survival series.


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Re: For Ren
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2017, 11:43:24 pm »
Ren never said he was quitting singleplayer survival.  He may or may not go back... It's up to him.


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Re: For Ren
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2017, 01:22:42 am »
So I'm going to come at this from a little bit different perspective, I love hermitcraft. If it wasn't for hermitcraft I wouldn't know who Rendog is or at least it would've taken me a lot longer to find him. I've never watched any of Rendog single player series. I plan on it but there's only so many hours in the day and there's a lot of content that I like to watch. So for me hermitcraft is a great way to get introduced to a lot of new builders and see a lot of new building techniques. I think some of the best builds have been when to talented builders collaborate. To the point that Rendog has changed I don't know, however I'm sure he has and if you think about it, you’re probably not the same person you were when you started watching him. But anytime you have someone doing something creative it has to change you see this from actors, musicians, artists and entertainers of any kind. You hear them saying things like I need to evolve creatively or I want to explore new creative avenues. It's just a fancy way of saying if you do too much of the same thing it becomes old and stale. Maybe not so much for the person who is watching the content but certainly for the person creating it. I myself have to create content every single week, not YouTube. But every week I have to create a new and exciting way presenting the same Basic material. It becomes tough to provide exciting and a high-level content on the same subject matter. The pressure becomes real and difficult. Especially the content creator started out just providing something fun and entertaining and now they have people counting on them putting something out that is interesting.  The whole time trying to increase the size of their audience which of course when you do you're going to leave some people behind.
I understand that sometimes we invest in people emotionally. In doing so when things change or are different you feel betrayed. Speaking from my own personal experience change wasn't something I consciously was trying to do. Change was only a product of trying to create something new and entertaining on the subject that I beaten into the ground. I challenge you to find something you like about the new content he is putting out. For me the one thing I love is his positivity in an otherwise terrible situation. His positivity lead me to playing on a server for the first time. I figured type of people that would be drawn to the server would also be positive type people, so far I'm correct. Just wanted to give a different perspective



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Re: For Ren
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2017, 11:08:04 am »
I don't think that Ren has ended his lets play in one of his videos he said that he wanted to go back to it but his stuck on the story that he is trying to make and to him its going where he doesn't want it to go, I think he'll go back to it when he had thought of something to do and also I heard that old chunks in minecraft are breaking (its makes lag), every update that comes out will causes more and more lag until its unplayable so with all of this combined you can start to see why he's not uploading it anymore but for now we can only wait, I've been here for the about the same time as you   and for the same reson, now lets be happy for Ren as he did do a amazing job on his world and if he is ending it for good then lets be happy that he made his lets play and that  we had fun watching it.



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Re: For Ren
« Reply #10 on: April 13, 2017, 03:34:23 pm »
I also see this difference between Ren's old content (Survival, Dishonored, Terraria etc.) and his new content (Hermitcraft, Hermitpack, UHC etc.). However, whilst I enjoy Ren's older content more, I do not feel him and his attitude towards the Cyberdog community and his content has changed.

I think, first, we must recognize what the difference is and why it exists:

Nowadays Ren's content mainly consists of playing on multiplayer servers (Hermitcraft). This means that he receives a whole new audience looking for a certain type of content. Consequently, he has to satisfy both the Cyberdog community and the Hermitcraft community. To do so, he has made the choice to make his content a little less story filled, and more gameplay focused. The earliest occurrence of this was  in his FTB series, where he made it his goal to guide his viewers through the game as well. Similarly, he does the same in his Hermitcraft series. Occasionally we get the good ol' story time with Rendog, but it does not always appeal to the Hermitcraft community side of his audience. On top of this, Ren has to partake in certain activities and projects when he is playing Multiplayer (such as setting up shops or playing through certain storylines). Back when he played singleplayer games, he relied more on us to guide him, and had complete freedom in what to do each episode. This allowed him to spend more time telling us stories rather than constantly having to explain what he was doing.

As stated above, Ren had to take part in certain activities and projects, leaving him with less freedom/time. On top of this, on joining Hermitcraft, Ren was given more opportunities as a content creator, such as the many UHC series and, of course, modded series (hermitpack, project ozone, sky factory etc.). This meant that Ren could not spend all his time focusing on one series. To further deter his focus, Ren begun making videos Full Time. Consequently, Ren began to start more series/make episodes and stream more often. This left him with less time to carry on old series/spend more time on planning and telling stories. Before going Full Time, Ren was restricted to making less videos and had to really focus on making his content consistent in themes and quality.

- Nebs