Author Topic: Kholinar Building Compitition Part II  (Read 3713 times)


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Kholinar Building Compitition Part II
« on: March 06, 2018, 10:39:24 pm »
Kholinar Building Competition Part II

Due to the limited number of plots there can only be 7 plots for people to build on.

While this will be first come first serve for the first week of signups only people that competed in the first competition will be able to sign up. After this time if there is any other spots available it will be open to anyone until the 7 plots are filled.

Now onto the competition.

It will be called The Skyline Competition. 

I have created a City looking area divided into 32X32 block plots.
I want to see what you all can build for Sky Scrapers.
Each building must be a minimum of 10 “stories” tall.
A “story” for this contest will be 3 air blocks with a ceiling/floor. This make the minimum build height 40 blocks from the roadside.
While the inside does not need to be finished to be judged their will be a prize for finishing it.
Like in a city the plots go right up next to the one next to it with no buffer. Plan accordingly.
You must keep the sidewalk. You can build over it as long as there is 3 air blocks over the sidewalk.
Due to the scale of the builds you can build as a team.
Prizes will be awarded per build plot not per person.

The base prize are as follows. (total is 130,000)

30,000 to the overall winner.
20,000 for second place.
10,000 each for 3-7th place.
10,000 for the tallest build (to be split in a tie)
10,000 for best interior.
10,000 residents choice (everyone who built in Kholinar will vote on the one they like best)

I am giving a minimum reward for all completed builds because of the scale of these and the time it will take to build them. They MUST be completed on the outside by the time of the judging.

I am open to people putting in their own monies for more prizes like last time. It went well and added some extra fun things in the contest, but I will not guarantee any payment beyond what is above.

For residents wishing to join they can contact me now.
The contest will open to everyone else on Tuesday March 13th 2018
Judging will be done Sunday April 22nd 2018

You can contact


to get your plot.

Thank you and good luck.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2018, 03:29:04 pm by Gawin »


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Re: Kholinar Building Compitition Part II
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2018, 05:05:31 am »
Hi gawin

This sounds like an awesome project. I'd definitely like to have a chance at building a skyscraper. I can't get on to choose a plot or anything for another 30 hours. But can you please reserve me a spot?

I can't wait to start designing now. I wonder if I should call in sick to work 🤔 Just so I can start it...

Nah. Better go to work. I'll just design it on paper until I can get on. Ooh. The creative vibes are flowing now.

Until I see you next. Ciao.


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Re: Kholinar Building Compitition Part II
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2018, 03:28:13 pm »
Your all set OldMan #6 is all yours.