Author Topic: Building Competition for fun builds arround the Nepolis Icerace Track  (Read 4528 times)


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Hi everyone,

I just finished the Icerace Track for Nepolis city which is located in the nether. It comes with a beautiful scenery of lava falls, a big lava lake and some netherrack mountains and valleyes. For a better impression I added some fotos here:

Although the scenery is good looking I believe it can be enhanced with little builds and contraptions. I like to invite you all to add a little something to make this race track not only fun to ride but also a piece of art. To spice things up I am donating 30.000 dcd into a competition. The money will be split between winners in three categories, 3rd place goes with 2000dcd, 2nd with 3000dcd and 1st with 5000dcd each. Categories are:
- Funniest build
- Most beautiful build
- Best redstone contraption

The competition will be closed on March 31st. Please remove all scaffolding until then. You can add builds afterwards but will not be concidered for the competition. There will be no specific claimed areas as it will be possible to build above or under other peoples builds - a firebreathing chicken can easily stand under a rocket ship f.e.
The whole area is claimed by me to prevent damages from ghasts and endermen so please contact me for building rights. Please leave a sign with your name so I know what builds are made by whom. Best also shoot me a message with the exact coords so I do not miss it.

Building rules:
- Do not grief other peoples builds even if they might be your competitor. We are creating something together here peeps.
- Please do not make use of inapproriate symbols. They might create a laugh but arenĀ“t funny.
- Please do not harm the race track or the service areas such as nether portal, spectators seats etc. without doublechecking with me.
- All Redstone Clocks have to be offswitchable to prevent lag if necessary. That also goes for measuring devices of natural process that result in redstone pulses as an observer before a pumpkin growing spot.

You can reach the area by the Netherportal in the west of Nepolis City (upcoming China Town) or via the Nepolis nether hub. You reach Nepolis by the orange extension on the north line via north4 station (purple). Nether coords are -638 90 -243, Overworld cords are -4830 66 -2034. I granted general accesstrust in the netherclaim so you can set your homes there and use enderpearls.

If you want to use the iceracetrack feel free to do so. please be aware of danger. You might fall into lava (unintentionally), so better at least have a firepotion on you.



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Re: Building Competition for fun builds arround the Nepolis Icerace Track
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2018, 03:34:50 am »
Sounds really cool! I'll check it out for sure!


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Re: Building Competition for fun builds arround the Nepolis Icerace Track
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2018, 07:11:25 am »
Sounds like it could be fun. The added bonus of violins in the nether whilst dodging fireballs 🤔
I might pop over later and see if inspiration strikes me.


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Re: Building Competition for fun builds arround the Nepolis Icerace Track
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2018, 02:23:05 pm »
Spent a couple hours off line working on a redstone build. I am in for sure. Bit busy today but maybe this afternoon or evening I can get on. Sounds like a fun idea.


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Re: Building Competition for fun builds arround the Nepolis Icerace Track
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2018, 05:49:32 am »
It has been a busy week at the racetrack. Area claiming and first ground work has been the major task for all participants - and there are some very nice builds already shooting up.

About 50% of the ground space, 10% of the space on the lava lake and even less space in the air is taken so far. So lots of space available for your fun builds. I love how this is forming out with so many people interacting creatively together to make this area stand out. And most important how peaceful and respectful you all act together. You are amazing!

Some vizual updates:
There is now a start and a finish line:

Many claims and builds to come:

Some already amazing looking builds:


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Re: Building Competition for fun builds arround the Nepolis Icerace Track
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2018, 01:00:54 pm »
Track is sharpening up, i sill need to do some hidden lighting on my slime ice area... but all and all seems like players are having fun with it. thanks Joshija, for pervading us with something mad fun to do =)


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Re: Building Competition for fun builds arround the Nepolis Icerace Track
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2018, 04:36:32 pm »
I would like to take a look at the track and see if I can figure out something to build.