Author Topic: my attempt at photography.  (Read 7596 times)


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Re: my attempt at photography.
« Reply #15 on: February 02, 2018, 10:54:50 am »
These are amazing! (how many cats do you have!)
thank you and currently i have 4 the 2 that are in these are gone the black n white passed 2 years ago and the other one is my sister's so is with her


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Re: my attempt at photography.
« Reply #16 on: February 02, 2018, 02:55:02 pm »
Framing and use of light are top notch, IvorySnape. The sign of a good photographer is one who can still make good images no matter what equipment they have access to.

I have a page on Deviant Art if anybody wants to see mine.

FirstyBlocker and Braynecell, your phone's camera really is enough to get started. A proper camera gives you a bunch of extra control and better image quality, but when it comes to forming an image the photographer is the most important component. The way you see the world around you is unique. Nobody can share your eyeballs, and nobody notices everything the same way. Use that to come up with your pictures. All the phone or camera does is write it all down.


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Re: my attempt at photography.
« Reply #17 on: February 08, 2018, 06:58:26 pm »
Good work Ivory! I have been a professional photographer for years. mostly weddings and airal pics. I agree with Brianetta the best camera you can use is the one you have with you. I have captured some amazing pics with a cheep nikon and some of the worst with my Nikon d300. Its all in the framing and light. as far as not having anything near you to take pics of i can tell you thats not true. first just because you see it everyday does not mean its not interesting for the rest of us. next once i was on a trip to italy and saw a rock stuck in some tree roots. i walked around it for 5 mins before i found the right angle and light. then i took a picture that later won a photo contest. im not saying its easy to find great photos but thery are out there. you just have to do a little hunting to find them. If anyone needs advice on photography please contact me. ill be happy to help.