Author Topic: Rise for another railway! (Wolframian Rails)  (Read 4085 times)


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Rise for another railway! (Wolframian Rails)
« on: September 27, 2017, 04:53:13 am »
So. . . along with SRN (Survival Railway Network) on survival 2 continue to expand to reach each of there directional stations, as well as continue past there planned stations, I thought: since I have a couple of areas that have a lot of distance apart, maybe I should connect them through rails. So this is what started my plans to build rails east of spawn.
This is the plans:

Some things about the rails:
  • It is quite the distance between them my first two claimed areas: Wilhelm and Wynncove, so I aim for have two large source areas for wood and all mining resources for the public to use, as well as just some great views like Vibius Lake and Cato Pit.
  • Lacus-View is gonna be the main city, for anyone who wants to live near the rails, however, anyone that wants to connect there bases to the rails (that are close to the rails), I will gladly have the rails connect to your base.
  • As of the rail design, I will be using the same setup as SRN so, there will be spruces stairs, stone bricks (and other stone brick blocks), along with redstone lamps.
    I hope you guys will enjoy the rails, and build up the rails to be used for its main purpose. . . transportation, around that Overworld.

P.S. - I am hoping I can actually connect to the SRN, as well as the fact that I plan to help expand the SRN East Rails


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Re: Rise for another railway! (Wolframian Rails)
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2017, 07:13:18 am »
Hey Attila,

From a SRN standpoint I can totally get behind this plan :)

It looks well thought out and connects plenty of places. It'll be great to have it connect the east SRN line once construction starts.

About helping out with building the East Line, Aeghu is the manager for it. It's best to discuss with him when you see him online or by some other means.

One other small point, it might be nice to have some difference in the materials between SRN and Wolframiam rails, for identification purposes. Just a thought.

Good luck :)


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Re: Rise for another railway! (Wolframian Rails)
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2017, 09:18:25 am »
Thanks for the advice Darp, but you are saying I should try not to use some of my favorite material to use. . .

I'll try to figure out a different set of material, but it the type might no change much. This is dues to the fact that most chests of mine are full of cobble and stone, and different amounts of ores  :P.


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Re: Rise for another railway! (Wolframian Rails)
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2017, 09:29:10 am »
Its not a biggie ... just a suggestion


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Re: Rise for another railway! (Wolframian Rails)
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2017, 09:32:42 am »
True. . . but I just thought of testing some changes and this is what I got:

What do you think of the design on the right?

It consists of Dark oak stairs, full stone slabs (that is a resource pack I use), cobblestone as below the rails, and then the stone brick
« Last Edit: September 27, 2017, 09:34:41 am by Attila »


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Re: Rise for another railway! (Wolframian Rails)
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2017, 09:35:30 am »
True. . . but I just thought of testing some changes and this is what I got:

What do you think of the design on the right?

It consists of Dark oak stairs, full stone slabs (that is a resource pack I use), cobblestone as below the rails, and then the stone brick

I think its really nice tbh :)


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Re: Rise for another railway! (Wolframian Rails)
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2017, 09:39:23 am »
Sweet, this will most likely be implemented instead. Which means, I have all my resources (except for Dark oak, and enough iron and gold for the whole line).


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Re: Rise for another railway! (Wolframian Rails)
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2017, 10:07:54 am »
On Survival 1, secondary lines were sometimes built 100% to SRN specification. Mine was. In addition, the SRN spec allows for the use of local materials, so the stretch of track through a dark oak forest would often be make of dark oak, through deserts would often be sandstone stairs, etc. It was the shape that was distinctive.

One idea that Edo and I were discussing for Survival 2, but never suggested as policy, was the idea of colour-coding the lines by replacing the carved stone blocks with coloured blocks, such as wool or concrete powder.  This is visible from the ground and from the mine cart, and can be associated with coloured lines on a route map.


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Re: Rise for another railway! (Wolframian Rails)
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2017, 05:30:05 pm »
i was thinking of concrete to replace the gravel under the rails for a similar effect brianetta


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Re: Rise for another railway! (Wolframian Rails)
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2017, 05:38:53 pm »
Yeah, SRN are doing that in the stations.


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Re: Rise for another railway! (Wolframian Rails)
« Reply #10 on: November 04, 2017, 11:56:34 pm »
Well I think too much time has passed, and I have not done any updates at all so. . .  here's update of the rails:
  • Station at Wilhelm is slowly being built
  • Started creating the setup of Lacus-View
  • Station at Wynncove is almost done, just need to put the minecart-dispensor system up and running
  • Rails are laid out, just need to finish supports for the high raised rails






     Lacus-View (W.I.P):

That is all for now, but I would like some input on the build palette for Lacus-View. I'm thinking of a Roman/Sicilian build palette. But since Lacus-View is more of an area for everyone to live, trade and do other stuff, I want some more thoughts on a theme/ build palette.

-Attila (Attila_)


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Re: Rise for another railway! (Wolframian Rails)
« Reply #11 on: November 09, 2017, 04:29:54 am »
I wish you luck on this buddy!


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Re: Rise for another railway! (Wolframian Rails)
« Reply #12 on: December 10, 2017, 06:08:18 pm »
So, now that is has come to mind, from a certain situation that I will not go much into detail with. . .

I will say this once, and only once, get permission if you want to connect to the rails!  This goes for anyone wanting to connect to the SRN rails as well. It is considered grief and may lead to a plausible ban. . . it is in the rules. . . read them!



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Re: Rise for another railway! (Wolframian Rails)
« Reply #13 on: December 11, 2017, 01:07:32 am »
So, now that is has come to mind, from a certain situation that I will not go much into detail with. . .

I will say this once, and only once, get permission if you want to connect to the rails!  This goes for anyone wanting to connect to the SRN rails as well. It is considered grief and may lead to a plausible ban. . . it is in the rules. . . read them!


Just to add to Attila's post:

This applies when connecting to any rails on the server, whether they're SRN or not. Remember, SRN is owned and managed by players, and apart from being invited to build a station in the Spawn area, is not special in anyway.

In fact, the first step toward connecting your minecart line to somebody else's line is to find out whose line it is. The other line might look like an SRN line, but it might not be. If in doubt, ask a mod to let you know who built it; that's the person you will need to contact for permission. If it's an SRN line, that person will talk it over with that line's manager. If it's some other team, they might have their own way of doing things.

Like any player build, any minecart lines you find are protected by the same rules that apply anywhere on the server. Modification of another player's build is grief, and we always recommend getting permission from other players before even building close - our guideline is 100 blocks.

The SRN team negotiate with other players for permission to run their lines past existing builds, and anybody else building a railway needs to do the same thing as they plan and build their own lines. Railways are fun and cool, but some players might find them intrusive.

Finally, if you're planning to build a base next to a minecart line, you still need to treat that line as a player's build, and make sure they're OK with your plans. It's certainly not OK to claim land that includes the minecart line, any more than it's OK to claim over somebody's house. Find the owner, ask them for permission.

Remember that grief can result in an instant ban from the server, so don't take a chance. We want you to be able to finish what you started!


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Re: Rise for another railway! (Wolframian Rails)
« Reply #14 on: January 14, 2018, 08:40:57 pm »
Ok, so I have not done an update in some time, and with it being 2018 and along with a lot happening on the rails, I might as well do an update.

So what has happened, is that new plans for the rails have come up. This aim is to not just have a north/ south track, but to head East as well. With this, I aim for other cities and towns, along with the soon to become connection to the Tundra Station, as well as the possible connection to the East Station (this is not a direct connection to my original rails, but instead another way. Which will be show in the map.)

Those are my main plans for the future so let get a go on some other things that have happened. One of 'em, is that there are finally all minecart dispenser in all the places I have right now. This means: Wynncove, Lacus-view, and Wilhelm. Along with another direction going off of the W.i.P. Station at Lacus-view. As well as Junction opening up on the mountain side in front of the Station.

Other than the main stations, the connection I have on the East Line has been updated to look better, as well as work better.

Last but not least, I have a map of Wilhelm up in Wilhelm Sation.

All images are here:

P.S. none of the dispensers have minecarts yet, since I am very low on iron at the moment
« Last Edit: January 14, 2018, 08:55:38 pm by Attila »