Author Topic: Miner's Logbook: My Life Among the Endermen (excerpts)  (Read 4959 times)


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Miner's Logbook: My Life Among the Endermen (excerpts)
« on: February 02, 2018, 03:55:15 pm »
(Purely for entertainment purposes, and because I'm lazy/not sure how many minecraft volumes in-game I'll have to write to tell the story to my satisfaction. It will probably modified if it does appear in game in the future.  I hope you enjoy!)

Several scraps of paper and ruined books have been recovered from an abandoned and overgrown "oasis" in a chorus plant forest in the End.  The camp appeared abandoned and derelict, with no recent signs of habitation.  Our small crew has determined that it presents no threat to overworlders in the End, but is probably best avoided by lone travelers due to high index of enderman population.  The content of the documents follow.

New adventure, new journal!
    Today I have heard news of a portal deep in the bowels of the earth, which leads somewhere other than the horrid burning lakes of lava and brimstone called "the Nether."  And it is so close, practically right under our own noses.  The reports are too wild to be believed, and whispers of a great, black dragon that never truly dies simply defy credibility.  I must investigate further.

Day 1, the End
    I have located the portal and made the jump.  Staring into the starry abyss, I could not help myself.  Immediately I regretted the decision as the icy numbness crawled swiftly up my legs.  Thankfully I'd jumped feet-first, else surely I'd have cracked my head on the slab of obsidian that suddenly appeared under my feet.  But then, this is truly a new and strange vista.  There is nothing above and nothing below the--islands? asteroids?--masses of porous yet oddly resilient "end stone".  For this truly is The End.  There is simply nothing beyond this.  No sun nor moon graces the sky, yet there is always light here, after a fashion.  The torches and lanterns make it brighter but it's never truly dark. The endermen that occasionally visit the surface of our own world thrive here.  Yet they remain as inscrutable as ever.  I have located gigantic pillars of obsidian thrust into the void above, and another portal.  I cannot be sure that it will take me home, or to my death, or whether there is something yet beyond.  I dare not go until I have investigated further.
  Additional:  I see no sign of the fabled dragon, but I am not ungrateful for its absence.  I've no mind to be eaten by a giant flying monster.

Day 3(?), the End
    I have been investigating for what surely must be days.  I simply cannot tell anymore.  It's as though time has no meaning here.  With no sun nor moon, no truly light nor dark phases, I must guess.  I had a pocket watch when I came through the portal, but it has become damaged and spins crazily as though fighting against the concept of time.  There is only "now."  I found something in the sky on what I discovered was the edge of the island I arrived at.  My only means of ascent was an ender "pearl", though I daresay it's always seemed like a dead, cold eye to me.  I should have foreseen it, when the pearl arced gracefully up and into a small portal and I simply *popped* into existence well out of sight of where I had been standing.  I suppose I should be thankful I didn't *pop* into existence directly over the void.  The endermen are content to let me wander freely in their land, so long as I don't attempt to make eye contact with them.  Occasionally they make chortling noises, but they must have other means of communicating amongst themselves.

Day 5(?), the End
    It surely is pointless to attempt to number the days in this place.  But old habits die hard.  I have been wandering this alien landscape and found a great, twisting forest of strange fungi.  They seem to be singing to me very softly.  With so many in abundance around me, they earn their name, "chorus plant."  The song is eerie, yet enchanting and calming.  Perhaps I shall stay a while here and set up a camp.  The locals are curious and stop by to watch me as I work, never offering commentary nor help, yet also never overtly hostile.  They just come and stare, with those great large glowing eyes.  At first I was always on edge, but soon enough I have come to stop reaching constantly for my sword or axe when they approach.  After a time, their curiosity is fulfilled and they wander away.

Day 20(??), the End
    Why do I bother attempting to keep track of the days?  What days!  With only the eerie chorus about me punctuated with the vroop and chortle of the endermen I fear I may be going mad.  When first I set up camp, I performed some experiments on the ground, and quickly discovered that nothing from my world will grow here without serious help.  And yet, after placing the soil from my own world it seems that our food does survive.  I have planted a few trees now, and they manage to draw sustenance from the ground.  Perhaps the end stone catalyzes with the natural dirt from my own lands and produces the nutrients.  I have even grown a few crops to consume.  I do miss fresh chicken and beef, but amazingly the reservoir I have created do produce fish.  I try not to think about this too much, for it does keep me alive.  I have not seen what the endermen eat.  In fact I have not seen their mouths except when they shake in rage at what I see now is the aggressive behavior of looking them in the eyes.  Regrettably, it has happened a few times while building up my campsite.  It was only in self defense, yet they had to die.

Journal entry 30, the End
    I have forsaken using "days" as time certainly is meaningless.  I may have been here over a hundred years by now, but I have not aged so far as I can tell.  My oasis is thriving here among the chorus forest.  The endermen still come and stare with their inscrutable eyes, but I have never seen them carry off any of the plants or soil from our world, as they so often do when they visit the world from which I've arrived.  Perhaps those who visited the other side where scientists carrying samples back to this world.  Now that I've brought all of this with me, they need only observe and record their findings however it is they do.  None have attempted to interact with me if I avoid eye contact.  They simply wander among the oasis and observe for a while, then leave.  Maybe they enjoy the feel of the grass on their feet.

Journal entry 50, the End
    I was erecting a stone structure and nearly fell to my death, but caught my balance.  Unfortunately during the moment of panic I solidly met the gaze of one of the endermen.  Having become accustomed to them, I was without sword or axe, and had to defend myself with my lucky pick.  I am morose at the results, and after the body evaporated back into the void, only a dark skull was left.  Strange, as I had never seen this phenomenon before.  I cannot bear to look at it, but do not know what to do with the remains.  Neither, it appears, do the endermen.  They have ignored it completely, almost as if they cannot see it.  The oasis thrives, and many large trees and survival crops grow among the chorus in harmony.

Journal entry 57, the End
    I have placed the dark skull on a small pedestal and it watches me as I toil.  My small stone structure has become the center of a lush oasis of overworld plant life.  I have also excavated under the structure and set up a small library and furnaces.  Crafting the shelves was easy enough, but binding the books a bit of a chore.  The small anvil I brought with me has seen better days, and I am not sure what will happen when my tools finally break; there is simply nothing under the ground that is suitable for tools.

Journal entry 73, the End
    The skull talks to me now.  I'm sure it's the skull, for the endermen never speak to me, they simply chortle and wander about.  The chorus never sang of the things that I hear now.  Join one of us...
    I never believed in the dragon that could not die.  But it has been regaling me with the history if its people.  The dragon was not always here; before the dragon came, they lived without fear. The pillars of obsidian were unique in their cosmic void, and they would go often to the place.  Then the dragon came, and they knew fear.  Then strange short beings came into their world also, and fought with the dragon, and killed it.  After poking around, they left through a starry portal.  The beings knew peace until the dragon rose again.  And the beings knew fear, and horror, as they saw how it came to be; the little ones came with powerful magic and resurrected the dragon, only to kill it again.  The skull paused for a moment then and seemed to stare at me accusingly.  You are different, though.  You have not attempted to raise the dark dragon, and you live among the forest here in relative peace.

Journal entry 91, the End
    I have learned many things from the skull that speaks.  Well, perhaps not speak.  The endermen are telepathic, but they either cannot or will not communicate with those not of their species.  But this one communicates with me.  Even though it does not live as the others do, yet it remains after a fashion even though the others dissipated completely upon their demise.  It has said something quite unnerving, recently, though.  Join one of us... Place this vessel upon your head and see through our eyes...
    I had to leave the oasis and the company of the skull for a while.  A walk among the chorus and the purpur "mushrooms" to calm my nerves.  As I walked, I looked at the endermen going about their lives.  Even with the information imparted to me by the skull, their daily activities still seemed alien and incomprehensible.  None of them could or would communicate with me, almost as if they were trying very hard to ignore me.  But when my back was turned I could almost feel them watching...and waiting.  I cut my walk short and returned to base, unable to relax with the constant gazes of the endermen upon me.

Journal entry 97, the End
    I cannot stand it anymore.  Perhaps I have gone truly mad.  I was once again beckoned by the skull, and I could feel the gazes of the endermen upon me even through the solid stone walls barring their direct lines of sight.  I placed my tools and accessories into a large chest in the library, then stood before the dark skull of the enderman.  I could feel its anticipation, and knew fear.  I paused and retreated again to my library to write this final journal entry and gather my courage.
    After penning this entry, I am to don the head of the enderman and see through their eyes....


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Re: Miner's Logbook: My Life Among the Endermen (excerpts)
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2018, 11:40:32 pm »
I love what you wrote! This is so funny :P


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Re: Miner's Logbook: My Life Among the Endermen (excerpts)
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2018, 02:02:07 am »
Thank you! Started as a bit of a goof, just wanted to have some fun with the lore I was coming up with in my head as I played. I do have an ender man head on the server, as it happens, and did end up putting it on for a while. (They still aggro on players if you're wearing one, if anyone is curious.)

I was originally going to try to implement the story strictly on the server, but I think it is going to be a little difficult finagling permissions and then also waiting for anyone to actually stumble on the in game clues would be at best a long shot. But maybe I'll sort it out and do it anyway, some kind of bread crumb trail for the adventurous explorer.

I have a couple more short stories I'm brewing up. Hopefully they'll be at least as entertaining.


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Re: Miner's Logbook: My Life Among the Endermen (excerpts)
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2018, 10:33:52 pm »
Very good Wodong. I wish I knew what happens after the skull is worn but some stories are better that way.  ;) I hope to see more of your good work. :)


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Re: Miner's Logbook: My Life Among the Endermen (excerpts)
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2018, 01:35:49 pm »
this is great. you should keep going. lately iv been making up stories too as i grind the mines but none are as interesting as this. thanks


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Re: Miner's Logbook: My Life Among the Endermen (excerpts)
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2018, 01:47:24 pm »
hmm this gave me an idea... maybe a minecraft tales guild where we sell stories from different people made about the server and about minecraft based off of our own experiences. interested?


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Re: Miner's Logbook: My Life Among the Endermen (excerpts)
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2018, 01:52:12 am »
hmm this gave me an idea... maybe a minecraft tales guild where we sell stories from different people made about the server and about minecraft based off of our own experiences. interested?

Well I'm not opposed to the idea.  I will say that I'm pretty slow at getting things put out, especially if I'm going to be relying on in-game typing.  Because, I mean well let's be honest, books in MC aren't exactly powerful word processors, are they? :P

I have a couple more ideas I could maybe turn into writing, but to be honest I'd have to start doing it in-game, trying to move the short story I put up here into Sur2 would be a kind of grind that I'm not too keen on.  Other stories would be fun, though.  Like weekly (*cough* in my case irregularly submitted *cough*) serials or something.  It could be pretty fun.  Were you thinking to get in on the action with Joshija's publishing, are you already a part of that, or like an independent thing? I have two or three I can get up to speed, but I might also do an explorer's journal, "Journey to Akkara" if none of the builders/mayors/owners object to it.  Obviously that one would have to wait until after the official opening of the city.  No SRN or NTN, strictly overworlding the hard way: man vs. nature/mobs adventure.

Addendum for dragnrider70: yeah, the story ends as it does because I figured that was the best way to end it.  If you really want to see the aftermath of the story I can tp you to my base when we're both on.  And I may have a little surprise, depending how hard it is to wrangle a new skin for my guy.


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Re: Miner's Logbook: My Life Among the Endermen (excerpts)
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2018, 09:11:42 am »
hmm this gave me an idea... maybe a minecraft tales guild where we sell stories from different people made about the server and about minecraft based off of our own experiences. interested?

Well I'm not opposed to the idea.  I will say that I'm pretty slow at getting things put out, especially if I'm going to be relying on in-game typing.  Because, I mean well let's be honest, books in MC aren't exactly powerful word processors, are they? :P

I have a couple more ideas I could maybe turn into writing, but to be honest I'd have to start doing it in-game, trying to move the short story I put up here into Sur2 would be a kind of grind that I'm not too keen on.  Other stories would be fun, though.  Like weekly (*cough* in my case irregularly submitted *cough*) serials or something.  It could be pretty fun.  Were you thinking to get in on the action with Joshija's publishing, are you already a part of that, or like an independent thing? I have two or three I can get up to speed, but I might also do an explorer's journal, "Journey to Akkara" if none of the builders/mayors/owners object to it.  Obviously that one would have to wait until after the official opening of the city.  No SRN or NTN, strictly overworlding the hard way: man vs. nature/mobs adventure.

Addendum for dragnrider70: yeah, the story ends as it does because I figured that was the best way to end it.  If you really want to see the aftermath of the story I can tp you to my base when we're both on.  And I may have a little surprise, depending how hard it is to wrangle a new skin for my guy.

In Havana, we do have a library built for the purpose of hoarding basically any written books. I think it would be awesome if these really cool little stories were in there!
I'm not sure if that satisfies the concept of a guild like Legowar was talking about. But I thought I should make mention of it anyway. Both could co-exist easily, of course.
(We're also planning a art gallery next door for hoarding pixel-art, but haven't found a builder yet, if anyone's keen (sneaky plug :P))