Author Topic: Nitro UHC Improvements  (Read 3518 times)


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Nitro UHC Improvements
« on: August 16, 2019, 09:22:54 pm »
This game is great but I feel there's some improvements that could make the game even better


Maybe there could be a third UHC server titled deathmatch. In this server the only part of the game that people play would be the deathmatch portion of UHC. People could select their hotbar from a list of items before the game starts. The main goal of this would be to train up peoples pvp skills. I've noticed many players have the resource gathering part of UHC down but struggle at the pvp portion due to lack of practice, myself included. There's not options to practice pvp currently as barely any 1.14 pvp servers exist.

Possible item options: Diamond Sword, Diamond Axe, Lava Bucket, Bow, 64 Arrows, Shield, Golden Apple, Fishing Rod, Health Potion, Regeneration Potion, Speed Potion, Cobweb, Water Bucket, Ender Pearl, Diamond Hoe, 4 Spectral Arrows
People can choose these items unlimited times but can only select 9 times to fill their hotbar
Guaranteed Items: Diamond Armor

DCD Reward
I feel if there's a DCD reward from winning a match more players would be inclined to play and it would be more rewarding to do so. The reward would scale based on the current boost, the amount of time the match has been going on for and the amount of players.

First we would need to figure out the total DCD pool available. Say a 5 player match ended at the 12 minute mark with the results: 1st: Nossi, 2nd: Diss, 3rd: William, 4th: Ategon, 5th: Rendog. First we would take the amount of DCD one of those players would earn normally in the survival server with the current boost, lets say its 1k. An individual player would earn 0.2778DCD a second. Multiply that by 720 to get the amount of DCD a player would earn in 12 minutes. The result of that would be 200. Now we multiply based on the amount of players in the game which gives us 1000 due to there being 5 players.

Now that we have the total DCD pool we need to split it up to give DCD rewards to everyone. Half of the pool should be dedicated to kills encouraging people to kill others as opposed to camping. To do this we first divide the pool by 2 and then dive it again by the amount of players. This DCD result would be the amount of DCD from a kill with the final kill giving twice that amount. If a player dies from the environment the DCD goes to the last person who hits them unless it was more than a minute before they died. At that point the DCD would carry into the other kills evenly.

Say Nossi killed 2 people including getting the final kill, William kill 1 person and Diss killed 1 person. Nossi would get 100DCD from the kill and 200DCD from the final kill, Diss would get 100DCD from the kill and William would get 100DCD from the kill. This totals 500DCD and half the pool

Now we would need to split the remaining 500 DCD into placement points. Everyone in the game would get DCD based on how well they did. First we divide the DCD by the amount of players. If theres an odd number of people this is how much the middle player gets, if theres an even number of people this is in between the middle 2 numbers. then from 0 keep adding half of the previous number with the second number being 50(half of the middle number) and the first number being 0(no 50 if theres 2 or 3 players). Go until you hit 100, then do it from the other side
Ex. with 5 players it would be 0 50 100 150 200. With 6 players it would be 0 50 75 125 150 200. With 7 players it would be 0 50 75 100 125 150 200
5 players with 656DCD to work with would be 0 65.6 131.2 196.8 262.4 or 0 66 131 196 262 when you round

The final results of that match would be
Nossi: 500DCD
Diss: 250DCD
William: 200DCD
Ategon: 50DCD
Rendog: 0DCD

Hope that made sense even though i'm terrible at explaining

UHC should have a separate server for deathmatch only and DCD rewards from kills and placement


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Re: Nitro UHC Improvements
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2019, 11:41:49 pm »
Those are some very interesting suggestions. I like the idea of a Deathmatch mode, though it sounds quite a lot like a KitPVP thing - something which would certainly be nice to have :) It is true, there's a distinct lack of 1.9 combat PvP servers; a shame for people who like the style. The DCD reward system is also interesting and I like the idea as it would be nice to reward playing nitro. It would have to be ensured that the system can't be exploited though, of course.
Only one problem with your suggestion is that it's not possible for Diss to beat me at Nitro UHC... ;-)


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Re: Nitro UHC Improvements
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2019, 12:15:21 am »
Those are some very interesting suggestions. I like the idea of a Deathmatch mode, though it sounds quite a lot like a KitPVP thing - something which would certainly be nice to have :) It is true, there's a distinct lack of 1.9 combat PvP servers; a shame for people who like the style. The DCD reward system is also interesting and I like the idea as it would be nice to reward playing nitro. It would have to be ensured that the system can't be exploited though, of course.
Only one problem with your suggestion is that it's not possible for Diss to beat me at Nitro UHC... ;-)
Oof!  ;)


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Re: Nitro UHC Improvements
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2019, 02:41:13 am »
I purposely made it very difficult to exploit the DCD system. People would be earning the DCD anyways if they were playing in survival, people would need to get more players and spend time playing to actually get a good amount of DCD and they would need to be actively participating in the game to get the kill DCD


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Re: Nitro UHC Improvements
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2019, 02:13:19 pm »
I love the idea of the deathmatch, part of my problem is that I'm so bad at PvE that I usually don't last to fight someone, so on the rare occasion I do last, I'm usually dead pretty quick.

I like the idea of DCD rewards too but I think they might need some balancing, I think putting it on the server for two weeks (after the SNL competition gets done) to see if it needs tweaking would work.

Mrs Diss

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Re: Nitro UHC Improvements
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2019, 10:55:40 pm »
having just a deathmatch arena would be awesome, it would allow many of us not so experienced players to train up!

i'm not sure that the game needs a dcd payout as motivating factor, or that dcd would be an effective motivator. i really like your idea to use the dcd the players would be earning anyway to fill the prize pool!