Author Topic: On the Uses and Applications of Renium  (Read 3380 times)


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On the Uses and Applications of Renium
« on: November 18, 2017, 08:54:00 pm »
Through trial and error, many new discoveries of the element Renium have come to light.

Firstly, it has been found that the most effective method of containment is that of a box measuring three meters in length, five meters in width, and seven meters in height. The box itself consists primarily of reinforced thermo-tolerant glass. The edges are composed of a hardened, heat resistant stone. The box is to be stored in a constantly heated environment, so as to maintain heat levels.

Secondly, by passing electric currents through solid Renium, one can destabilize the molecular structure of the element, creating an unstable variant, aptly named Unstable Renium. Unstable Renium (later renamed Urenium) has similar color to its counterpart, but does not retain heat energies as effectively, if at all. In addition, Urenium cannot retain its solid form, instead turning into a liquid. This is, perhaps, the first case of an element going backwards in the forms of matter when introduced to temperature differences.

Thirdly, it was found that Urenium, when properly diluted, has properties not unlike caffeine. This was found quite by accident, as a small sample had fallen into a mug and was consumed by one of the poor interns. The effects of the Urenium were near instantaneous. She was, quite literally, bouncing off the walls with the energy. This may be a wonderful solution to drowsiness. An official clinical trial will be scheduled for further testing.

I have decided to keep these documents unsigned, so as not to draw too much attention to myself. I would not want this to come back to me, should things fall south somehow.