Author Topic: Spawn Eggs  (Read 3261 times)


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Spawn Eggs
« on: November 12, 2017, 09:06:17 am »
Heyloo. I have a suggestion/request.

I was told the reason the site can sell ocelot and wolf eggs are due to rarity of said items because of spawn rates. But I see wolves everywhere. What I was wondering if you could maybe sell polar bear eggs. Reason being is Sur2 is tiny when you have people going after multiples of resources. I haven't seen a bear. I've been told they do not respawn and when you've got head hunters (someone said they killed 200 to get a head, which is fine...get there first, do what you want), not to mention you can't breed the bears, then it kinda screws others over if they can't go zillions of blocks out (which I'd do, but can't).  :o

Along that same vein, I was hoping maybe bunnies could be added to the capture egg plugin. They're hard to find and when you do...I spent 5 hours getting 2 to my base...killed 6 dragging them through the universe and back again.

Anyway, don't take all that as complaining. Just throwing my pitch and hoping for some lurve.  ;D


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Re: Spawn Eggs
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2017, 02:26:46 pm »
I totally second the polar bear request.

For the bunnies, I personally don't agree though. Desert bunnies are very easy to find in deserts, and respawn there as well AFAIK. The other types of bunnies might be slightly less common (although white bunnies in snow biomes are pretty common too), but can be acquired by breeding your other rabbits, in which there is a small chance of getting a new color.

Another suggestion from my side would be the Elder Guardian. Since the world has a border, there are only so many Ocean Monuments out there (of which I'd say the majority has been discovered) and there's head hunters out there killing them for the heads, like Angelina described for polarbears, combined with not respawning and the fact you can get an hidden advancement (How Did We Get Here) with one, I'd say this would be a valid option for spawn eggs too - albeit being very expensive, probably, to not flush the world with them (say, 50k?).

Two more suggestions I'd have are the Evoker and Vindicator. Again, the world has a border, and I reckon there aren't more than 2 or 3 Woodland Mansions out there. I'm not positive if there are mobheads out for these two mobs (or three, actually, counting the Vex that is spawned by Evokers), but if there are, they probably are a wanted item by headhunters too (and if they don't exist, I'd love them  :)). These mobs also do not respawn and aren't breedable, while they are useful for more creative ways (hostile and passive) mobfarm killing platforms, as well as collection/displaying purposes. Again, to not flush the world with them, they'd probably have some hefty prices (30k?).


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Re: Spawn Eggs
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2017, 08:57:46 pm »
Thank you, I didn't realize you could get the other bunny colors by breeding. Gives me hope to have my beloved brown bunnies even though all I could haul was white.  ;D

I agree with the other hostile mobs you mention. The only other option there would be opening the border (which I also want, just so I can find a mesa, but yeah I get it.)


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Re: Spawn Eggs
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2017, 10:17:47 pm »
The same applies to horses, llama's and tamed cats as well :)

Opening up the border is not (yet) necessary I think, as there's still unexplored lands left. I do understand the concept of the border, if it weren't there, people would probably load more chunks than is good for the server's performance. By the way, there's a mesa visible on the Great Survival Map Project in Havana :)


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Re: Spawn Eggs
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2017, 11:20:12 pm »
Thank you again! I much appreciate your information! I'll have to wander out Havana way and take a peek (been wanting to anyway).  ;D


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Re: Spawn Eggs
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2017, 04:16:31 am »
Okay, now I've found some bears and I tried to use a capture egg and twice it just suddenly respawned another bear instead of letting me keep the egg.  :( They were adult bears.


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Re: Spawn Eggs
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2017, 02:17:40 pm »
If we, as a civilization, really push the polar bear into extinction, I think we should bear (somewhat pun intended) that responsibility and live with the memory and shame of it. If we can't organise and restrain ourself from protecting these marvellous creatures, I don't think we'll deserve them.

We really need to be considerate about the scarcity of certain things in this world and not just mine and kill willy nilly. I'd love to see an Institute for Nature Preserve coming into existence in this world. An organisation that protects rare biomes and unique locations all over the world, that archives, displays and informs about all type of flora and fauna that can be found in mc. A zoo, an aquarium, a hortus botanicus (botanical garden), a seed bank, etc. An organisation that also gives a stamp of approval to ecologically durable projects, .i.e. builds that are build with only renewable materials (see: , )

Can we come together on that? Will we be able to pride ourselves on living in durable harmony with nature? Or will we let ourselves slide down a slope of an ever more wasted landscape?

This is seriously something I'm wanting to put an effort into. But I want to know who's willing to join in this effort?
« Last Edit: November 13, 2017, 04:13:22 pm by _edo »


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Re: Spawn Eggs
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2017, 08:52:07 pm »
Can we come together on that? Will we be able to pride ourselves on living in durable harmony with nature? Or will we let ourselves slide down a slope of an ever more wasted landscape?

*Wild cheers erupt from the crowd* Yay for nature preservation!

I know I need to finish the bathhouse, but I’m not opposed to putting in some time on a botanical garden after <3 but boy do we need some of these zoo specimens given how rare they are.


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Re: Spawn Eggs
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2017, 04:08:39 am »
It would be nice if we could do nature preservers, because people are just gonna murder willy nilly unless there's a warning attached to doing it. I just dragged a polar bear 20000 blocks to my base. This is after 4 capture egg glitches, a few bears that turned on me and had to be put down, and several legit failed captures. Do you people know what it's like to drag a bear 20000 blocks?  :o At least Darth Maul now has a safe home. Hehehe. And I may have a way to increase chances of polar bears respawning--they DO, I've tested it both in SP and Darth Maul is a product of my experiments as well. But I'll have to do more testing to be absolutely certain it wasn't just chance the 3-4 times it worked.

*Oh, and 3 bears I tried to get into the nether. For some reason the three I tried would not show up on the other side of the portal. (I tried in SP and got a mom and baby bear to arrive safely at the same time, so whatever it is is server or MP related.)
« Last Edit: November 14, 2017, 04:10:59 am by AngelinaMeow »


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Re: Spawn Eggs
« Reply #9 on: November 14, 2017, 07:09:42 pm »

Can we come together on that? Will we be able to pride ourselves on living in durable harmony with nature? Or will we let ourselves slide down a slope of an ever more wasted landscape?

This is seriously something I'm wanting to put an effort into. But I want to know who's willing to join in this effort?

I think we passed that already in Havana though, as clay is non-renewable. And if you think about it, a lot basic building blocks are non-renewable: even something as basic as dirt isn't renewable


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Re: Spawn Eggs
« Reply #10 on: November 15, 2017, 12:05:57 am »
I think we passed that already in Havana though, as clay is non-renewable. And if you think about it, a lot basic building blocks are non-renewable: even something as basic as dirt isn't renewable

Yes, I'm very aware of that. Especially all the sand we smelted for the glass... as well as the clay, yes.
But still to be build individual buildings could still be made eco-conscious.


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Re: Spawn Eggs
« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2017, 07:25:19 am »
Well, i do like the idea ^_^, I'm more then willing to contribute in it!


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Re: Spawn Eggs
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2017, 03:05:16 pm »
Can we come together on that? Will we be able to pride ourselves on living in durable harmony with nature? Or will we let ourselves slide down a slope of an ever more wasted landscape?

This is seriously something I'm wanting to put an effort into. But I want to know who's willing to join in this effort?

You'd be horrified by my single player worlds—and I assure you, it's completely intentional with an eye to "what evil have you wrought here?!".   But I agree in principle, even though in practice on this server I'm so basic that the absolute worst case scenario is me hollowing out the earth under my base and "deforestation"--which happily stops once I get my cleared perimeter and saplings to replant.

But you'd be horrified by my single player wastelands worlds.  :P


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Re: Spawn Eggs
« Reply #13 on: November 17, 2017, 07:07:39 pm »
I think we passed that already in Havana though, as clay is non-renewable. And if you think about it, a lot basic building blocks are non-renewable: even something as basic as dirt isn't renewable

I believe there’s always going to be /some/ inescapable use/waste of world resources, but using the non-renewable ones wisely and substituting/replacing when possible is a goal that can and should be encouraged. I limit my use of sand and sandstone in order to use endstone, and any dirt and non-stone rocks I dig up immediately go into chests and are not allowed to despawn. If I have to remove or move glass then I use a Silk Touch pick instead of breaking it and losing it permanently.

There are very limited options for straight-up color in Minecraft and most of those are not going to be 100% eco-friendly. The best we can do is try to be aware and limit waste.