Author Topic: Mobsters  (Read 3382 times)


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« on: February 09, 2018, 10:26:58 am »
"Listen, Kalax. I just don't think this is a good idea. Just 'cause you got it in good with one of those "humans" doesn't mean we can just do whatever we want. We all gotta play this smart."

"What's the fun in deceit if we can take a few risks? And hey, stick to my cover name, why don't you."

"Fine, Jock. But what if he's right? What if you blow it?"

"Like I said, don't worry. I been at this game for years now."

Jock stepped out from behind the cover of the trees as the human approached. "Just my luck they send a chicken and a sheep as backup," he muttered to himself. "If this does blow up, it'll be on them for worrying too much. Hope I can find the mark before then."


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Re: Mobsters
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2018, 02:30:47 am »
Interesting, who are these mysterious "Mobsters"?  ;)