Author Topic: lost stuff  (Read 2891 times)


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lost stuff
« on: July 15, 2017, 02:01:27 am »
this is _Ace_OfSpades using my friends computer because my web account isn't working. So i was exploring the nether and a block glitched and i fell in lava and i died and the mods didn't help even when we asked them many times starting to get desperate and at one point they went AFK even though we where asking for help it really annoyed us so we wrote this to see if we could possible get my items back and the items i want back are just my armor some tools and my elytra

this is Dr_Creepster now, i have posted about a money problem with sending money to the wrong person and i haven't gotten a response back about it, i would like it to be fixed  because i got the money on my own and i don't want to send it to some random person who doesn't play anymore


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Re: lost stuff
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2017, 02:49:06 am »
Ace.. Items despawn over time, not sure if your items would still be there (especially after a restart). It is not the Mods jobs to get your stuff back. You could use a fire potion to try and get them from the lava.
Dr... I have had some random issues with sending money but my problem has always been that it would double the amount I was trying to send. Send a message to Matti or Iron and let them know about the problem you are having.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2017, 02:52:04 am by jjminedogs »


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Re: lost stuff
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2017, 06:10:27 pm »
First of all, these are matters that are best dealt wtih via PM.

Ace: Unfortunately, it is a fact that glitches happen. They happen in servers, they happen in single player. While it is always very hard to lose things, it's part of Minecraft. I will say before I move on that I don't see mention of a glitch besides in this post. Dr_Creepster said that it was due to being in lava "longer than a max fire potion" allows.

I have spoken with a server mod and was told that there was never a true chat message from you to a mod requesting help. I also have looked back in the server chat log and only see where Dr_Creepster requested "someone" help you find your things. There was no message from you asking for help; only asking how long until items despawn. The mods were later accused of not helping when no specific request was given. In addition, the mods do not have the ability to see the location where a player dies in lava. Our "/back" command does not work in a way that it would tp you back into a dangerous situation. Lava definitely is up there on the list of 'dangerous' things in Minecraft.

Again, PMs are the best way to get a quick answer. Vic and I do our best to get through the forums, but it's a fact that sometimes a thread is missed. I have not ever heard of it changing a name when you hit 'send.' I know that it defaults to the first user, whom is 007RP. To change the recipient, you can either type in the name and left click the name, or you can scroll down the list and left click the name. If you do not left click the name, the recipient will not change from 007RP. After the money has sent, the page refreshes and it again shows 007RP as the recipient. This may be the issue that you had, and I can only say that this is the only time someone has complained of it. I will make those above me aware of the issue, but I cannot issue any sort of refund.

If either of you have any issues with this response. Send me a direct message I am closing this thread.
