Author Topic: Dogcraft Server Rule Amendments-Additions-Changes-Explanations  (Read 4662 times)


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Dogcraft Server Rule
Amendments - Changes - Explanations

Elytra are to be traded only for the price of 200 diamonds or more

-Diamonds are not to be bought for dcd from the player trading the Elytra by the player purchasing it as a way around this rule
-Gifting, loaning or giving one free is also not permitted.
-No Elytra are to exchange hands without diamond payments.

The mall is meant to exist for building shops.

You are responsible for maintaining the payment of the lease on your plot, if you do not pay, the plot will be reset.
Do not use the mall as a place to build farms in an attempt to have them in frequently loaded chunks
Limit Redstone use age to no more than doors for shops, Redstone automation in farms is not permitted in the mall
Do not advertise the sale of Elytra in the Mall

Basic Iron farms are allowed but at a limit of 8 at a time.

In Mob Arena do not

Place excess water that creates infinite water sources, or create an infinite water sources
Do not make cobble generators or stone generators

When using the end farm, share, if another player wishes to use it, each take a side.
Staff is not responsible for player deaths or losing items in the farm.

If you do not want to pvp, turn your pvp off.

Please follow proper etiquette when pvping to avoid conflict. If a player asks you to stop during pvp you stop.

The items purchased in the server shop on must be purchased while online, and there are no refunds.

Gambling is not permitted on the server, building and advertising casinos and gambling machines is not allowed.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2017, 03:27:48 am by j0n_r4ng »