
Should warnings be removed after a certain time?

10 (37%)
9 (33.3%)
Warnings should stay if u get them
8 (29.6%)
Max warnings should be 5 again
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 0

Voting closed: December 31, 2019, 12:04:08 pm

Author Topic: Should warnings get removed  (Read 5497 times)


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Should warnings get removed
« on: April 05, 2017, 01:04:08 pm »
I would love for warnings to be removed after a certain time  like after 5 months or more because i love the server and everyone makes mistakes. I dont want to get banned on my favorite server 😭 none of us do. 
« Last Edit: April 05, 2017, 04:23:05 pm by Medaboss88 »


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Re: Should warnings get removed
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2017, 01:15:14 pm »
Warnings should stay forever. Because it should leave a scar that would cause it to never happen again.


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Re: Should warnings get removed
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2017, 01:54:14 pm »
Peter is right, I made mistakes which lead up to my ban, and I've accepted it, I knew it would happen some day, it was inevitable, and I know you may love the server, I did, but sadly you just have to accept it, all you can do is act in the correct way and be a good person to stay as long as you can.

Another thing is this would be insanly unfair on people who have been on the server before and never had their warning reset, meaning that they only got a finite amount of time but others would basically get a much larger amount of time.

I'm sorry if this sort of thing is not what you wanted to see on your post, but it's the truth and I'm sure it's what most people would think.

Enjoy your time on dogcraft and savour it :)

~ 2less :)

« Last Edit: April 05, 2017, 02:49:58 pm by 2lesslives. »


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Re: Should warnings get removed
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2017, 05:27:35 pm »
As long as you abide by the rules you should have nothing to worry about ;) hehe, on a serious note though, that is the aim of warnings, they're meant to sorta scare you off in case you're thinking about breaking a rule and are meant to guide you towards the general behaviour we appreciate as staff :) They don't actually put you at any sort of disadvantage as long as you stay within the boundaries of the rules, even staff members themselves have had warnings (both site and server side) :P


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Re: Should warnings get removed
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2017, 09:13:38 pm »
I think the big issue would be a repeat of the same offense. If you know something is wrong and you keep doing it, that's the problem. I only started on the server a few weeks ago and this is the only server I've ever played on. So I am sure at some point I'm going to make some sort of mistake.


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Re: Should warnings get removed
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2017, 07:42:15 am »
I think the big issue would be a repeat of the same offense. If you know something is wrong and you keep doing it, that's the problem. I only started on the server a few weeks ago and this is the only server I've ever played on. So I am sure at some point I'm going to make some sort of mistake.

Just like Victix11 said if you stay within the boundaries of the rules you don't have to worry about the warnings. Just check the rules on the forum, discord and the server once in a while (they might change over time) and you'll be fine.  ;D


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Re: Should warnings get removed
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2017, 12:58:50 pm »
I don't know how many warnings are needed for a ban, but the problem imo is that some mods are more quick with warnings than others. Example: I once saw a mod who was trying to talk to a new player. That player didn't awnser, and he got a warning for ignoring a mod. I really hope i'm not deeply concentrated and focused on a build, or on a bathroom break next time that mod is talking to me.
Mods are usally very fair when i use the word lag in chat, but i refuse to accept that i'm not allowed to talk about this thing that affects us all, and esp. how to not cause it on the server. That is bound to get me a warning at some point.
I also have a malfunction that makes jokes about the sexual orientation of villagers in a non-functioning villager breeder almost irresistable to me. Some mods have more humor that others and i've been lucky so far, and eventhough it's a PG13 server, i'm bound to get a warning about this as well at some point.
What i'm trying to say is that i think warnings should last a year and the go away.


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Re: Should warnings get removed
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2017, 01:41:55 pm »
Seems like your solution is simple then, just don't bank on one mod accepting something another wont, the comments you fear to be warned about are border-lining the rules no matter which mod you're dealing with. So if you don't want to run the risk of being warned because a certain mod doesn't appreciate the joke or comment or whatever it is, just don't make said joke. Yes border-lining the rules is risky, but this is no different from the real world, if you constantly drive at 74 miles an hour where 70 is allowed (4mph for correction), you're bound to go over that 74mph limit at some point and get a fine for it. The rules are there for a reason, to protect other people, if a mod doesn't like a comment of yours or gets offended by it, there's no doubt other players will feel the same way.
The lag-"rule" to me always used to be more of a request to not simply say "lag" in chat and nothing else, this doesn't contribute to the chat in any way and is annoying. I personally never warned for this unless someone purposefully said it to disrespect the reminded, in which case I wasn't even warning for saying lag, but more for being rude and disrespectful. Some mods have taken this rule more strictly than others, but from what I understand, that's no longer the case (correct me if i'm wrong, i haven't played on the server in over half a year).
Ignoring a mod means you continue doing what you're doing despite a mod telling you to stop, this does not include not answering a mod. Unless you systematically avoid answering any mod-related questions they have, for example not answering a mod when they ask after your date of birth, this has resulted in many warnings, but only if the player being questioned was clearly at his keyboard. You shouldn't have a need to worry about not paying attention to chat if you're not doing anything wrong. If a mod really wants your attention, they will find a way (kicks are quite effective ;) ).


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Re: Should warnings get removed
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2017, 02:14:18 pm »
I disagree with any temporary time frames, and I think that it should be a 3 strike system. I have been on the server for a year and I don't think I have any warnings at all. If there is something that you think might get you a warning, then just don't do it! It's so simple. Follow rules. Warnings and Bans are NOT inevitable, it is not "bound to happen", those are the choices you make as a member of a server that has rules in place. Make better choices and you won 't get warnings or get banned. Easy.
As far as the "lag" issue, the common interpretation is that you dont just type "lag" in the chat by itself. Everyone knows the connection is slow, doesnt need to be pointed out. If you are having a conversation about something specific such as the effect of mob cramming or large redstone builds on server performance, then use another word. This, just like the warning/ban topic is so simple. Say something like connection speed, server performance, or something to accurately convey the point you are trying to make to the other person. Lastly, the best way to avoid all of that, know who you are talking to, know what you are talking about, and do it in a Private Message if you think it would be publicly controversial but you know that the person you are speaking to is ok with it.
It's. Not. Hard.


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Re: Should warnings get removed
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2017, 03:58:57 pm »
I think it's important that warnings remain. This is because if they disappear after time, people are more likely to break a rule knowing that they just have to wait until it wears off over time. It can seem a little harsh, but its for the protection of the community.

I feel like it's important to point out, as vic said, every mod is different. We all have a little bit of a different way of seeing things. Some of us may be a little more laid back than others, and we all have different modding styles. Personally I'm a bit more relaxed, but I will certainly tell you when the line is crossed. But do remember that we are people too, we take measures to make sure that anything we do is justified and fair.

When it comes to "ignoring a mod" we don't usually resort right to warning someone, generally we'll tp to them or kick them to get their attention, cause much like some of you, we too can get "builders vision." If you think something is "borderline" to the rules, you can always ask a mod through PM's before saying it. As mods we love it when you ask questions to better understand the rules, because it makes you a better member of the community.

I want to leave off with what warped said before me. Know who you're talking to. Everyone has a story, and everyone has a comfort zone. If you think something you say might not be comfortable for someone just don't say it. If it must be talked about (and doesn't break the rules), make sure you do so with politeness, respect and in the proper chat. If asked to drop it, drop it. Remember, Do unto others as you'd have done to you!

Have a good one!


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Re: Should warnings get removed
« Reply #10 on: April 06, 2017, 06:06:32 pm »
Well i see the point of people of people doing the stuff over and over again. But like if they are removed and then the player does it again and again and gets the same warning then it should stay.


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Re: Should warnings get removed
« Reply #11 on: April 06, 2017, 06:10:40 pm »
I don't think warnings should get removed, but possibly instead of always perm banning people, maybe sometimes people could get temp banned if it wasn't for a serious offense. 


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Re: Should warnings get removed
« Reply #12 on: April 07, 2017, 02:16:18 am »
hey guys and girls just so you all know Ren was the one who put the current warning system in place and as such will most likely not be changed.

everyone has access to /info rules i suggest everyone that ïsn't sure of the rules to read it often to keep things refreshed in your memories.

Kind Regards


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Re: Should warnings get removed
« Reply #13 on: April 09, 2017, 01:02:54 pm »
Everyone makes mistakes. That's how you learn. I have made plenty. The mods aren't out to get you and hand out warnings every time you breath wrong! Warnings are handed out for rule infractions. we all know the rules, or at least should. Take a second every now and then, to drop by /spawn and have a look to refresh your memory. Like if you didn't lose anything too terribly important when you drown for the 8 millionth time trying to mine out that space under your island.....


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Re: Should warnings get removed
« Reply #14 on: April 14, 2017, 01:36:53 pm »
Everyone makes mistakes. That's how you learn. I have made plenty. The mods aren't out to get you and hand out warnings every time you breath wrong! Warnings are handed out for rule infractions. we all know the rules, or at least should. Take a second every now and then, to drop by /spawn and have a look to refresh your memory. Like if you didn't lose anything too terribly important when you drown for the 8 millionth time trying to mine out that space under your island.....

I completely agree. I think warnings should be removed after 4 months, and should stack up t a total of 5 warnings at any given time before a player gets banned.