Author Topic: TrueKAce Updates  (Read 2927 times)


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TrueKAce Updates
« on: September 30, 2017, 01:28:57 am »
In case you are curious about me in what I have been doing "project wise", I'm actually going to make some little art pieces for some the original members on this site (who are all probably moderators at this point). Reason why is because the people I was friends on here were so nice. I loved how friendly this community is and to show my gratitude, I will make some art pieces for all the people I remember who had made a great impact on me and for also making me feel so welcomed. First one I will make will be is an old friend who all the oldies of the site would know and love so dearly, Chibi! So look forward to that (if I remember that is). c;

Another point of address, I will never be 100% active on this site, because I'm in my last year of high school. Going to be focusing on school work, my grade, and my future. Honestly, I'm scared, but I know I anything if I just believe in myself enough and to put in all of the hard work to achieve it! After High School, i will be going to either Criminal Justice courses in college or be going straight into Law Enforcement Academy. It'll be a great challenge for me. (To be honest, I don't know if I should be telling you that information, but hey, I'm an honest guy and would like for you all to be updated on what I'm doing).

Until, I post that next drawing of Chibi, I'll see what else I can do for this community from there! Bye bye!! (That's it of the update now. You can all go home now. Why are you still reading this? Go Home Now, please!? Fly Home, Lucy!!! That bold print caught your attention, didn't it? You probably skipped all the way down here without even reading the important stuff, huh... Don't lie to me now, I know you did!)  ::)