Author Topic: Survival Railway Network  (Read 23169 times)


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Re: Survival Railway Network
« Reply #45 on: May 06, 2017, 06:50:34 pm »
Your very welcome  :D
Update on the far far east Railway (past pyramid station): completion estemated at may 12th.
The SRN is really making progress these last few months. I am really happy to see a lot of people putting effort into this amazing community project.


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Re: Survival Railway Network
« Reply #46 on: May 24, 2017, 12:48:21 am »
The first section of the Jarrow Line is now complete. It was formally opened 22nd May, 2017. The last piece of track was ceremonially laid by SummerFlower1234.

Journey time is ten minutes, so be sure to say something in chat while travelling to avoid receiving an accidental AFK kick.

It is now possible to travel from Green House station to Summer Ravines station. The line is planned to extend to the Mall (or close to it, if we can't get permission) and will eventually connect to the greater SRN network via the south line.

Green House Station
Green House (Brianetta's base) has a spruce and lime terracotta theme.

Summer Ravines Station
Summer Ravines (one of SUmmerFlower1234's outposts) is the first SRN-spec station to be built deep underground.

The station does have a surface structure, heading a staircase down to the platforms.

The journey is quite a scenic one, with some active builds to see en route.


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Re: Survival Railway Network
« Reply #47 on: May 24, 2017, 12:50:26 am »
The final rail is placed:

Line dedication plaque (and me, taking the first ever ride):


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Re: Survival Railway Network
« Reply #48 on: May 24, 2017, 01:24:07 am »
The final rail is placed:

Line dedication plaque (and me, taking the first ever ride):

Congrats! The south line is almost done, times have been placed: 4m15-4m30 (if the server decides to be laggy(sorry mods))
Last thing we need to do would be lighting, I will probably finish tomorrow or the day after. Too bad the last block won't be a rail but a glowston lamp :p

-OPwrecker :)

PS to everyone: We are conducting a mysterious NTN experiment that only the SRN/NTN crew know about, results will be posted in a couple of days.


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Re: Survival Railway Network
« Reply #49 on: May 24, 2017, 01:30:40 am »
I will be more than willing to help with this (as well as the NTN) when I can, and I should mention I'm probably going to be going out beyond current bounds to set up my city/town (as I'm still not sure how to set up a city?  I know I'd need to look for co-founders and such, but yeah), and will happily put in an endpoint station during the buildup!  But yeah, I really love having the rail network.  If I don't feel like using /home, I can just grab the rail line from Spawn out to my house right now, as I'm not that far from the rail line at the moment, on the North line I believe.


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Re: Survival Railway Network
« Reply #50 on: May 24, 2017, 10:11:56 am »
SRN/NTN Update

Its been a little while since an update has been published, and a lot has happened! Without further ado...

- The line from Pyramid Station to the under construction Swamp Station on the east line has been built by Aeghu.
- Swamp Nether Station has been built to complement the rail station. It was built by edo and OPwrecker.
- The line from Mesa Station to the also under construction Soms Station has (finally) been completed by me.
- A new secondary railway to Tyrage's Spirit Town has been built by OPwrecker with help from Aeghu. The station has also been built with a connection to the main east NTN line there too.
- Major work has been done on the south line from South Station by OPwrecker, edo, FredRaket, Aeghu, Wietselubbers and myself. This line has come along very quickly and its been a big effort from all involved. And yep, that station is under construction too :P
- Brianetta has completed the line from his base to SummerFlower's, creating Green House and Summer Ravines Station in the process. This is the longest singular line in the entire network! The line is operating as a secondary one for now until the main SRN reaches the area that it is in.

As such, the map has been updated (open image in a new tab to make bigger)

Individual builders will post more stuff on their specific lines in this thread. Posts such as this one will be made every month or so to summarize and update the map.

To avoid double posting, heres some pictures of the Mesa to Soms line :)

« Last Edit: May 24, 2017, 10:24:17 am by darparniox »


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Re: Survival Railway Network
« Reply #51 on: May 24, 2017, 09:27:34 pm »
The line connecting South Station to Dressrosa Station is now complete. It was formally opened 24nd May, 2017. The last block was (not so) ceremonially placed by OPwrecker. Journey time is ~4m20s. The line is planned to extend further south, and eventually, connect to Jarrow Line.


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Re: Survival Railway Network
« Reply #52 on: May 24, 2017, 09:31:17 pm »
The last block:
« Last Edit: May 24, 2017, 09:32:50 pm by Firsty Blocker »


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Re: Survival Railway Network
« Reply #53 on: May 25, 2017, 08:32:47 pm »
The mysterious NTN experiment is over! It was about the number of boats that would be left at Spawn NTN Station over the period of one week. The results can be found here: Unfortunately, on Day 6, Spawn NTN Station and some other NTN stations were griefed and had to be repaired.

-OPwrecker :)


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Re: Survival Railway Network
« Reply #54 on: May 26, 2017, 08:45:53 pm »
Great news! There is now a new NTN Station named 'Just Another Station.' It can be accessed by going north of Spirit Town, or East of Soms Station. The station has a slightly decorated path to the open Nether. It leads to an island in the Overworld with no claims surrounding it.
Images can be found here:


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Re: Survival Railway Network
« Reply #55 on: May 27, 2017, 04:54:11 pm »
Here are some pictures of the new SRN track from South Station to the new Dressrosa Station, south of the big ocean. Also some pictures of Dressrosa Station and its immediate surroundings:

(open images in a separate window to zoom in)
« Last Edit: May 27, 2017, 04:59:58 pm by _edo »


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Re: Survival Railway Network
« Reply #56 on: May 27, 2017, 05:13:43 pm »
Time to top projects and go for a train ride!! Can't wait to see the new rails!!


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Re: Survival Railway Network
« Reply #57 on: May 28, 2017, 12:20:22 pm »
About the Dressrosa track and station:
It was originally build by wietselubbers, somewhere in 2016. He designed the sandstone highrail:
and the original version of Dressrosa Station (before it was given that name).

However, the track and station weren't yet really up to par with SRN standards (yes, we do have some standards! :P ). So, the current active SRN team (darparniox, brianetta, aeghu, OPwrecker and yours truly) re-evaluated the track and modified quite a bit. We improved lighting and redstone of the track; removed a deep underground tunnel part with a more visible underwater tunnel; slightly rerouted some track segments; reused wietse's sandstone high rail design on the south side of the ocean. We also changed the station quite a bit: (re)moving corridors, doors, floors, routing; mob-proof lighting; adding a map, enderchest, clear signing and more. And it got its name: Dressrosa Station. Named after FilipoTurtle's beautiful town right next to the station:

When you visit the station be sure to check out FilipoTurtle's gorgeous town too! (Allthough I'm sure I don't really have to promote that; it already looks so irresistibly alluring when you see it from DressRosa Station's balcony). Imho, it's one of this server's shining beacons of great design!

« Last Edit: May 28, 2017, 12:30:12 pm by _edo »


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Re: Survival Railway Network
« Reply #58 on: May 28, 2017, 12:51:31 pm »
Hey everyone, just a quick update from me.
The SRN track from East Station to Lackria Station will soon require some major reconstruction as LAK3RS reworks his base area and lake. Currently the rail design is broken as the lake has changed dramatically recently, and the water level/bridge no longer goes with the track, as you can see:

I have spoken to him and the plans are:
- Rebuild bridge in the same area but making it more grand.
- Re-routing track through his castle town (or perhaps it might be nice to go through his underwater display area)
- Potentially making a station at his castle town (perhaps on another line? Not sure about this one, but it deserves one - it's an impressive build)

Work won't start until (probobally) LAK3RS sorts out his base area and the lake itself, but I'm putting this here in advance as major sections of the rail will have to be removed and rebuilt. The rail starts at (2108, 71, 383 - SRN East Station) if you want to have a look at the area (darp, _edo) :)

« Last Edit: May 28, 2017, 12:55:38 pm by William »


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Re: Survival Railway Network
« Reply #59 on: May 28, 2017, 01:54:56 pm »
Hey everyone, just a quick update from me.
The SRN track from East Station to Lackria Station will soon require some major reconstruction as LAK3RS reworks his base area and lake. Currently the rail design is broken as the lake has changed dramatically recently, and the water level/bridge no longer goes with the track, as you can see:

I have spoken to him and the plans are:
- Rebuild bridge in the same area but making it more grand.
- Re-routing track through his castle town (or perhaps it might be nice to go through his underwater display area)
- Potentially making a station at his castle town (perhaps on another line? Not sure about this one, but it deserves one - it's an impressive build)

Work won't start until (probobally) LAK3RS sorts out his base area and the lake itself, but I'm putting this here in advance as major sections of the rail will have to be removed and rebuilt. The rail starts at (2108, 71, 383 - SRN East Station) if you want to have a look at the area (darp, _edo) :)


Yeah, I noticed this. I think it makes sense that Lakers incorporates the track into his base re-build, like making a more grand bridge, slightly rerouting it, etc.

I'm not sure about a full SRN station there though. The basic idea is that a player in a minecart  travels uninterrupted from SRN Station to SRN Station, but stops at every SRN Station. Optimal travel time being somewhere between 2-5 minutes between two SRN Stations. An extra SRN station at Lakers base would make the two resulting stretches too short, imo. The East to Lackria track is already quite short.

A 'secondary' station might be an option though. In a so-called secondary station the mine cart travel continues uninterrupted by default. The player can however jump out of the minecart or maybe open a chest mid-travel to switch a rail junction, or whatever, to end the ride that way. Brianetta made a nice redstoney junction that by default continues the minecart along the SRN track, but gives the traveler a ± 1-2 seconds pause and option to actively choose a secondary track. (See an inworld example if this on the East to Pyramid Station track).
« Last Edit: May 28, 2017, 01:58:16 pm by _edo »