Author Topic: Survival 2 Railway Network  (Read 17071 times)


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Re: Survival 2 Railway Network
« Reply #60 on: August 23, 2018, 06:22:17 am »
What both amazes and thrills me is that East Line is passing directly between my two major claims. Actually I need to keep an eye out for William because I sincerely need to talk about that - I'd planned on a small rail line between my two sections of base and I'd love to perhaps get a hookup to East Line.


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Re: Survival 2 Railway Network
« Reply #61 on: August 29, 2018, 06:49:56 am »
Where is your base?


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Re: Survival 2 Railway Network
« Reply #62 on: September 01, 2018, 06:46:32 am »
SRN/NTN Update

Quite a quiet month around the server for us, nevertheless:

- There’s a new NTN Station for Hydropolis. Hydropolis is a budding city which is nearer opening. Take the south branch track from Eastern Interchange (previously Tetley Junction).
- Akkara now has another secondary heading there, from Greenfield Station (3rd North). This helps keep symmetry with NTN creates a nice loop around the area Northeast of Spawn.
- Continued minor progress on the line from Greenfield to Snake River Station (4th North).

Left to right: Hydropolis Station, New line into Akkara Station, Section of North Line to Snake River

Adjusted Maps:

It’s been practically a year since work started on the Sur2 SRN and NTN, and we’ve managed to eclipse the Sur1 networks by four rail stations and eight boat on ice stations (not to mention the almost doubled number of secondary stations that awesome people have built for their bases/towns). Much of this couldn’t of happened without the support of casual builders, donators and the support of the general server community. So thank you, to all those who’ve built and used the SRN and NTN!


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Re: Survival 2 Railway Network
« Reply #63 on: October 09, 2018, 09:15:41 am »
SRN/NTN Update

September's (and some of early October  :-X) happenings in SRN land...

- Hennington Park Station (4th South) is complete! It's the first ever 4th station we've had, over both survival worlds. Marb is the man behind the station.
- The line to Snake River Station (4th North) has been all but completed, it's around 50 blocks from the station location. Shout out to Briggs, Diss, Ebi, Chris and Tex for helping me along here, as well as Davidgtmh, Sofyanele and Derealyst for building permissions to make the line possible.
- Alwaysin7 has built new Secondary line from Northwest Station to their city, City of Seven. I believe the aesthetics are still a work-in-progress, but the line is functional.
- There's a new NTN Station northward from Mesa Station that provides access to both Diss' base, and some fresh wilderness far out. It's under the temporary name of North Mesa station.

Left to right: Hennington Park Station, more north line, rail departing from City of Seven

A couple of updated maps (the in-game 2x2 is currently undergoing a decent rework):


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Re: Survival 2 Railway Network
« Reply #64 on: October 09, 2018, 12:08:39 pm »
The secondary line from the city of 7 goes right past my base too, right before it gets to the North West Station.


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Re: Survival 2 Railway Network
« Reply #65 on: November 28, 2018, 10:49:15 am »
As we all know the coming of a new world has meant the loss of the old… So, farewell, Sur2 SRN and NTN!

Sur2 saw the advent of line managers, potential usurpers, cool beans, unprecedented expansion, and a whole lot of good times!

Combined, 85 contributors created:
- 21,700 blocks of railway
- 14 overworld SRN stations interspersed along those railways
- 11,000 blocks of ice track connecting 28 NTN stations in the nether.
Using approximately:
- 8,100 iron ingots
- 65,100 spruce planks for stairs and another 16,500 for slabs
- 33,000 blocks of packed ice
- 18,333 sheep shorn worth of wool
- More stone than bears thinking about

Thank you so very much to:

Line Managers: Skelleton123  Aeghu  marbou9 & William278

Major contributors such as: _edo  Brianetta  Joschija  Brogaman  Mrs_Diss  MollusSlime  misterblue28 & briggsmech

Secondary line owners who’s independent lines gave the SRN much more life: Quasi_1987  OPwrecker  Attila_  LAK3RS  Rhyvin  Kusttra & alwaysin7

Track builders (SRN & NTN): Fred_Raket  Jake_Fabulous  Max_Argos  KilluaChoun  thegoldminer177  DragonFire441  MrMontenator  Jarboss13  Gawin_Grimm  TiniestTea  legowar1508   heatjr  Dragonranger35  ebi_furya  HoosaSnitch  icemage21  Steveee  Silverwolf88  Garch  Shootdead1993  _gewoon_iemand_   RY44  Snowflake_Elsa  starr274  ChrisTheWalrus   bricksburger  RetroSquirrel  kellygirl18  EllenNL  Will0wLily  StingerBT  RedStoneFlyer  nuaghtydave101  TEX5000  tropicalstorm1 & iluvmath

Donators (SRN & NTN): Taeolas  peterpaul1991  Bikegoddess  Dewnlafied  Torique_Gromble MaseratiMan  Simply_simon  ivorysnape  Lyvaella  ramokhan  Wambertus  Bunderella  Gummibear87  GryphonBT  Lothinator  Squidhunterz  DCLilWolfie  SoulOfBlocks  taqukaq77  RcrazyPT  Brinerville  Kevinstop  AKGoggles TerTerFooFoo  ArrowsTheHunter  JVKermit  Prot01  AndreaG  davidgtmh  sofyanele  CaroHerrera  EfficientDesign  Derealyst & Arkhangellsk

And here's the final map of the Sur2 networks:

Phew! o/
- darp
« Last Edit: November 28, 2018, 11:00:08 am by darparniox »