Author Topic: ReNDoG Minecraft Survival 1.12, seed?  (Read 4512 times)


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ReNDoG Minecraft Survival 1.12, seed?
« on: December 05, 2017, 02:15:55 pm »
I have watched all 17 episodes (so far) of Rendog's Minecraft Survival 1.12 series, its lovely! Reminds me of good-old season one from way back.

 Does anyone know the seed for the map Ren is using? I would love to create a map with it, the biome placement and the nearby beach is something that I have not seen on most maps, would love to add it to my Minecraft SP collection.

I'm thinking Ren wants to keep it a secret to avoid spoilers? Maybe Rendog himself can provide the map seed on the forums?

Would love some feedback, thanks!


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Re: ReNDoG Minecraft Survival 1.12, seed?
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2017, 02:26:01 pm »
To the best of my knowledge Ren has never provided a world seed to any of his MC worlds.


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Re: ReNDoG Minecraft Survival 1.12, seed?
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2017, 02:46:07 pm »
Firstly, I'm not trying to pick a fight.

Think of it like this: I'm willing to believe that Ren is honestly exploring the world as he goes (as opposed to having picked something "because it will make a good series" as at lest one YT commenter has claimed), and if he lets out the world seed, eventually his comments will end up flooded with "you should go here to get such and such resource" or "go to coords x/y to find a village with awesome trades/rare biome resource" and so on.

Besides, there's a lot to be said for not knowing, as a viewer.  Another layer of "magic" as it were.  And before anyone goes thinking Ren got super lucky or "super lucky" with his seed, I've random spawned virtually on top of abandoned mineshafts entirely too often on standard world gen.  But I play with subtitles on, and *rolling minecarts* appears sometimes before even *running water* when I'm near a river/ocean delta.

Again, not trying to pick any fights.  Ren is a great entertainer.  So I just settle back with my crunchy snack and tasty beverage and let him entertain me as he sees fit.  I've yet to be disappointed.  Except one time with his audio (tinny sound), but he's long since gotten superior recording equipment.  I mean, I've even watched him play a few minutes of PUBG, and that game has zero appeal for me.  (He's lost me at Rust, though; nothing on this green earth is likely to make me care about that game.)


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Re: ReNDoG Minecraft Survival 1.12, seed?
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2017, 02:17:18 am »
if he lets out the world seed, eventually his comments will end up flooded with "you should go here to get such and such resource" or "go to coords x/y to find a village with awesome trades/rare biome resource" and so on.

I believe that this is likely the #1 reason he doesn’t share seeds. People are obnoxious and even if this forum was only place he posted what it was, let’s be real. It’s the internet. It would get shared and people would do this.

Not sharing is an easy way to avoid the drama that would otherwise ensue.